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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Generalized and Advanced Urban Debiting Innovations


Multi-service urban debiting applications including private (road pricing) and public transport (multi-vendors), as well as parking and zone access control.

Integrated urban debiting systems: concepts, functions, applications, products and information systems.
An approach has been made to define, experiment and appraise multiservice urban debiting applications including private (road pricing) and public transport (multivendors), as well as parking and zone access control.
Integrated urban debiting systems have also been researched involving concepts, functions, applications, products and information systems.

The main achievements so far are the following:
implementation of a project management scheme, supported with a project handbook rules and appropriate tools;
definition of a common core of functionalities for the information system based on surveys and technical analysis;
the GAUDI survey (the GAUDI cities are Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Trondheim and Marseille) for functionalities definition and orientated to multiservice concept definition;
a review of the card technologies;
a review of the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) systems;
a hands off ticketing test definition, specification, European call for tender and final planning;
a zone access control test during the Olympic Games in a representative area of Barcelona;
a new deliverable concerning the assessment of the Olympic Test (supplementary to project contractual requirements);
an economic assessment, with operational analysis criteria, of the Olympic Test;
a complete specification of the Trondheim experiments;
a ring test in Trondheim, with AVI technologies;
some supportive work on communication links protocol.
Technical Approach

The GAUDI cities (Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Marseille and Trondheim) have decided to launch a joint approach to define, experiment and appraise Multi-service urban debiting innovations. This implies a shared R&D, field test, survey and evaluation programme considering all the major issues of multi-service debiting systems.

Horizontal Areas: (Leader and participants)

Project Management (Barcelona, Marseille)
Card standardisation (Dublin, Trondheim, Marseille)
Information System (Marseille, Dublin, Barcelona)
Implementation aspects (Barcelona, Marseille, Trondheim)
Experimentations (All cities)

Vertical Areas: Leader and participants

Automatic debiting (cars) (Trondheim, Barcelona)
Multi-servicing Dublin, Trondheim, Barcelona)
Zone Control (Barcelona Bologna)
Public transport management (Bologna, Dublin)

Despite different "entries" on the debiting field - sometimes through road pricing or zone access - all the GAUDI cities consider a common mid-term objective, which is the definition of an overall framework for future debiting systems for European cities: specified functions and applications, concept, products, implementation examples and recommendations, possible impact.

Expected Achievements

WA1 Card Specifications

Close coordination with important work on standards recommendations will continue through the Task Force Groups and results from the field trials (Dublin and Marseille) will be incorporated into this work.

WA2 Information System A prototype database will be implemented, tested and evaluated in Marseille. Work on geographical database and information system standards integration will result from city project interaction.

WA3 Implementation Aspects

Work on legal and social aspects will continue in tandem with the field trial tests and the economic potential of applications will be assessed, particularly in relation to demand management.

WA4 Experimentations

The Dublin (Multi-service) and Marseille (Hands-free passenger transactions) field trials will be executed and evaluated.

The preparatory work on Barcelona zone access pilot project will be completed, and the system will be implemented and commissioned. The Gaudi part of the Bologna zone access pilot project will also be installed and a methodology for experimentation evaluation defined.

In Trondheim the TRON pilot project will implement an integrated system for automated bus, ferry, and highway toll service payment. User reactions to the integrated services will be evaluated.

WA6 Multiservicing

Deliverable 17 will draw upon the results of the 1992 GAUDI field trials to present a systems overview of multi-servicing.

WA7 Zone Access Control

Software prototypes will be developed for the control of ZAC systems. A prototype system will be tested as part of the Barcelona pilot project and in relation application to other sites so as to validate and refine the prototype design.

WA8 Public Transport

The prototype on-board device for bus vehicle localisation will be proven and then tested and evaluated in field trials in Bologna.

Expected Impact

The GAUDI cities believe in the efficiency of economic and financial mechanisms to manage demand patterns in European cities: road pricing, public transport ticketing, parking debiting, zone access systems are today among the best means to control transportation modes and their balance, to influence city development, and to adapt operator revenues to real costs, in the very near future, multi-vendor payment systems incorporating different types of transport (bus, metro, motor car, rail, tunnel, car, parks, etc) will enable authorities to strongly orient usage through fare structures.

Contribution to standardisation

Philosophy of urban debiting strategies; while one city's emphasis is placed on a normative approach to provide a regional network, another city strategy, a debate on the urban debiting issues (privacy, security responsibilities, etc) is necessary.

Definition of commonalities and standards: this will be performed at the conceptual level (common functional specifications, information system) as well as the physical level (definition of the card, equipment, etc). The possible benefits are considerable: exchange of experience on system requirements, compatibility of applications, better design, economies of scale.

definition of an integrated system architecture for urban debiting (main applications, information system, card technology, equipment, computer environment); this architecture will be compatible with future applications such as multi-vendor debiting, zone access control, public transport ticketing, parking debiting, road tolling, etc,
integration with the other DRIVE areas; GAUDI work will serve as a reference in the debiting field for other projects; conversely, GAUDI will take into consideration any existing or future IRTE (Informatics Road and Transport Environment) component studied in other projects and which may interfere with GAUDI plans (eg follow-up of SMART or PAMELA DRIVE projects);
launching of a co-ordinated experimentation and pilot project programme, with several field tests and full scale implementation;
Common appraisal of the social, technical, economic impacts of these tests; an independent evaluation protocol will be defined and implemented in order to assess unquestionable results;
diffusion of GAUDI results at a European level.


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