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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Rhein/Main Area Project for Integrated Traffic


The project objectives are embedded in a well-suited Overall Goal Concept for RHAPIT and FRUIT -the Frankfurt Urban Integrated Traffic Management project. This Goal Concept contains four levels reaching from the general top level goal

to improve quality of life

to more specific ones addressing the use of natural resources and the development of the transport system:

to use space compatibly with social and environmental conditions
to improve availability and accessibility
to reduce motorized road traffic
to promote pedestrian and bicycle traffic
to promote public transport
to operate traffic compatibly with social and environmental conditions
to operate traffic economically.

Based on this general goal concept, the specific operational project objectives were derived (see Key Issues). In general, RHAPIT is aiming at

developing and implementing a traffic data base for setting up a traffic management system
conducting a field trial for a standardised traffic control and information system using SOCRATES/GSM
co-operating with European partners in installing, testing and assessing RTI systems.
The project RHAPIT focuses on the Rhein-Main area in the centre of Germany with one of the densest motorway networks in Europe. A control system with congestion and incident warning, speed control and weather warning via more than 140 variable message signs is the latest system being implemented on the A5. At 7 major interchanges a variable direction signing system is installed, including 650 loop detectors, providing data, via the control centre, for dissemination to radio broadcasters by a system called ARIAM. This infrastructure offers excellent conditions for further applications in the area of information and guidance systems.

A traffic database is being developed and implemented for setting up a traffic management system and a field trial is being conducted for a standardized traffic control and information system.

Problems were identified within the scope of traffic data completion and prognosis:
plausibility check (errors);
spatial data completion;
qualitative traffic data completion;
temporal traffic data completion (short mid term, long term prognosis, dynamic assignment). In order to solve these problems, agents are being designed to serve as problem solvers within the frame of the traffic data support system. The main application with RHAPIT is a dynamic route guidance system with system of cellular radio for traffic efficiency and safety (SOCRATES) strategies and technologies using the Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) radio link. The major task was to define and to develop all elements and issues relevant for a real demonstration and field trial. The following applications and functions will be available in the car during the pilots: route planning, route guidance, driver information, local warnings, emergency calls, automatic vehicle location, park and ride and public transport information.

The test areas has been defined and the SOCRATES information centre will be part of the traffic control centre in Ruesselsheim.
Technical Approach

The project RHAPIT focusses on the Rhein-Main area in the centre of Germany with one of the densest motorway networks in Europe and cities such as Frankfurt, Offenbach, Wiesbaden, Mainz and Darmstadt. Due to various traffic problems, many control systems have consequently been already installed and connected with the control centre at Ruesselsheim. A control system with congestion and incident warning, speed control and weather warning via more than 140 variable message signs is the latest system being implemented on the A5. At seven major interchanges a variable direction signing system is installed. About 650 loop detectors collect traffic and congestion information, and transmit them to the control centre which is processing and providing the data for dissemination to radio broadcasters by a system called ARIAM. This infrastructure offers excellent conditions for further applications in the area of information and guidance systems in the framework of DRIVE II.

An overall goal concept has been elaborated reflecting the political objectives for both the Rhein-Main area and the City of Frankfurt. The applications supporting this goal concept are:

Information and Guidance Systems assembling the implementation of a dynamic route guidance system and a park-and-ride guidance using SOCRATES technologies and strategies, a variable direction signing system operation, and the integration with control and management systems in Frankfurt (in a feasibility stage).

Traffic Management Tools to be developed and enhanced to support the information and guidance systems by eg. improving the traffic data base and information services in the control center.

Evaluation and Assessment still under discussion in order to define the RHAPIT Evaluation Plan.

Key Issues

The key issues of RHAPIT in order to meet the project objectives are:

to demonstrate the functionality of the SOCRATES vehicle equipment
to demonstrate the GSM radio communication link
to develop a GSM packet radio service
to design the SOCRATES test site in Hessen
to define and to equip a test fleet
to set up a P+R system using SOCRATES in-vehicle information
to investigate the changes of the modal split through usage of public transport (P+R)
to demonstrate and to assess the variable direction signing system with strategies based on dynamic origin-destination estimation
to extend the existing traffic control system in order to enable the SOCRATES functions
to extend and to improve the existing data base (data completion, traffic prediction)
to apply AI-tools in order to improve traffic data
to investigate safety aspects with regard to eg. route choice
to investigate the user acceptance
to assess the operational effects of dynamic route guidance recommendations and route choice
to conduct an overall assessment.

Expected Achievements

Achievements are expected according to the listed key issues which form the operational project objectives.

Expected Impact

Testing the developed RHAPIT system, i.e. hardware and software, will provide an insight into the problems concerning the use of GSM technology for an integrated traffic management, and will be the basis to evaluate the portability of the approach, to abstract any general aspects and to highlight possible functional generalisations. At the software level, given the kind of system and application developed, the relevant standardisation issues seem to be concentrated on the interfacing aspects. New technologies and applications for the Rhein/Main area are being tested, which will be of importance in the near future for many other conurbations and motorway areas in Europe.

Furthermore, through the traffic data support system, important functionalities will be examined, which will be transferable on a fundamental basis. Next to the completion of data and to prediction, the integration of floating-car data in an existing TCC is new territory. On these grounds, the integration and the use of such data is being tested for many future applications; the expected results about the installation and test of these technologies promise to be of great use for future ATT systems.

Contribution to Standardisation

Concerning the functional level of necessary module parts, (e.g.: communication, MMI, in-car equipment and infrastructure systems) there is to be expected for the use of SOCRATES, that decisive knowledge for the standardisation of technical approaches will be achieved. Further, the development of the project aims to address standardisation aspects such as:

data exchange between the existing TCC equipments and the SOCRATES control computer (physical and logical levels)
data exchange between the existing TCC equipments and the TCC of the City of Frankfurt
operator interface (e.g. in terms of integration functionalities, graphical info representation), and harmonization between existing graphics and SOCRATES-related graphics.


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Hessisches Landesamt für Straßenbau
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Wilhelmstraße 10
65185 Wiesbaden

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