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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

CO-modal journey re-ACcommodation on associated Travel serVices

CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.

Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.


Project newsletter 1

The newsletter will illustrate the aim of the project and current status

Project newsletter 2

The newsletter will illustrate the aim of the project and current status.

Project identity and project website

Report defining the setting up of the project public website and its functionalities

CREL Specifications

This deliverable will contain the specifications of functions developed within tasks of this WP for the CREL

TD4.2 FREL Specifications

This deliverable will contain the specifications of functions developed within tasks of this WP for the FREL

TD4.2 CREL Specifications

This deliverable will contain the specifications of functions developed within tasks of this WP for the CREL

Implementation Report

This deliverable will report on the implementation results, the integration and testing activities for all components developed within CO-ACTIVE for the CREL. In addition, the results of the validation and evaluation will be shown

FREL Implementation Report

This deliverable will report on the implementation results, the integration and testing activities for all components developed within CO-ACTIVE for the FREL. In addition, the results of the validation and evaluation will be shown.

TD4.3 CREL Specifications

This deliverable will contain the specifications of functions developed within tasks of this WP for the CREL

TD4.3 FREL Implementation Report

This deliverable will report on the implementation results, the integration and testing activities for all components developed within all tasks of this WP for the FREL.

TD4.2 FREL Ontology

This deliverable will contain the IT2Rail ontology upgrade, maintained in tasks of this WP for the FREL

TD4.3 CREL Ontology

This deliverable will contain the IT2Rail ontology upgrade, maintained in tasks of this WP for the CREL

TD4.2 FREL Implementation Report

This deliverable will report on the implementation results, the integration and testing activities for all components developed within all tasks of this WP for the FREL

FREL Synchronisation Report

This deliverable will report the synchronisation activities, during the FREL, between this project and other calls, especially with IT2Rail and the call S2R-IP4-CFM-02-2015

CREL Ontology

This deliverable will contain the IT2Rail ontology upgrade, maintained in tasks of this WP for the CREL

Report on attendance to external events and final dissemination status

Report presenting the final dissemination status.

CREL Synchronisation Report

This deliverable will report the synchronisation activities, during the CREL, between this project and other calls, especially with IT2Rail and the call S2R-IP4-CFM-02-2015.

TD4.3 FREL Ontology

This deliverable will contain the IT2Rail ontology upgrade, maintained in tasks of this WP for the FREL

TD4.2 CREL Implementation Report

This deliverable will report on the implementation results, the integration and testing activities for all components developed within all tasks of this WP for the CREL

TD4.3 CREL Implementation Report

This deliverable will report on the implementation results, the integration and testing activities for all components developed within all tasks of this WP for the CREL

FREL Ontology

This deliverable will contain the IT2Rail ontology upgrade, maintained in tasks of this WP for the FREL

TD4.2 CREL Ontology

This deliverable will contain the IT2Rail ontology upgrade, maintained in tasks of this WP for the CREL.

FREL Specifications

This deliverable will contain the specifications of functions developed within tasks of this WP for the FREL.

Data Management Plan

Description of the applicable rules to manage the data produced by the partners and will also identify the dissemination policies and the interaction with the stakeholders of other calls

TD4.3 FREL Specifications

This deliverable will contain the specifications of functions developed within tasks of this WP for the FREL


Co-Active MPP Abstract - TRA2018 - Vienna

Autoren: Co-Active Partners
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: Co-Active Partners

Marketplace Poster - TRA2018 - Vienna

Autoren: Nihad BAHRI, Thales RCS – FRANCE Maximilien RIGUIDEL, Thales RCS – FRANCE
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: Thales

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