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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

climate variability and el niño southern oscillation: implications for natural coastal resources and management


Marine biodiversity and the sustained exploitation of marine resources are significantly influenced by ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) particularly affecting the coastal zone of the Humboldt Current upwelling system. Both its warm (El Niño: EN) and col d (La Niña: LN) phase have drastic implications for the ecology, socioeconomy and infrastructure. Local artisanal fisheries represent a major activity for the domestic economy, in consequence a huge amount of studies (published/unpublished) exists aiming a t identifying effects of EN. However, most processes and mechanisms causing these effects have not been analyzed. Especially artisanal fisheries and coastal invertebrate and fish populations suffer from EN effects. CENSOR aims at enhancing the detection, c ompilation and the understanding of EN and LN effects on the coastal zone and its resources, to mitigate damage, better use beneficial effects, and thus improve the livelihood of human coastal populations. Therefore, CENSOR is expected to be of high econom ic and social interest. A multidisciplinary approach, including Latin American and European specialists, aims at developing a comprehensive picture illustrating the response of the upwelling ecosystem to ENSO. Coastal benthic communities, pelagobenthic exc hange processes, riverine input and resource variability will be compiled and analysed comparatively. Aquacultural demands to compensate and decrease EN dependence in coastal fisheries will be addressed. Integrated database information will enhance the und erstanding of mechanisms and processes related to life strategies, species interactions and genetics. As one strategic point, indicators to predict EN events will be elaborated. We will improve the understanding of ecophysiological demands explaining shift s in resource availability, aiming at a better fishery management. Results will be made available at various society levels, including scientists, stakeholders, decision-makers, and coastal human communities.

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