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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Carbon nanotubes technology on Si IC's


In microelectronic research huge expectations have been created for carbon nanotube (CNT) based nanotechnologies, actually to a level that the microelectronics industry has adopted CNT based nanotechnologies as an important and high potential route for post CMOS nanoelectronics. There is a major gap in basic knowledge to the extent that a detailed understanding of CNT growth mechanisms is still absent and control of the synthesis process to produce nanotubes with the desired diameter and chirality is lacking. CARBonCHIP will address the potential of the integrated CNT technology through an interdisciplinary approach based on (i) the research and development in catalysis, (ii) the growth of CNTs, (iii) the technology of CNTs on-chip, (iv) the related analysis methodology for control of properties and (v) the CNT device for nanoelectronics

The objectives of CARBonCHIP match the real challenge for CNTs to be valuable for Nanoelectronic applications. The outcome of the project will have a large impact on future nanoelectronic strategies, since it will assess - the eligibility of CNTs for up-scaled process technology with Si - the feasibility of nanoelectronic application domains. The ultimate goal is to produce a materials based roadmap for further development of the CNT as a viable building block in nano-transistor IC devices, where CNT/Si integrated devices will extend Moore's Law towards the year 2020 and beyond, when CNT technology will complement, and eventually replace nano-lithographic techniques to facilitate 16nm, 11nm and 8nm transistor node development. The consortium consists of an industrial end user (Intel), two renowned research centers (LETI and IMEC), two SMEs (Alchimer and Nanocyl) and a University (KULeuven). The strength of this consortium is that it will bring basic research and the innovative product development of SMEs to the end user, through the research and development of the research institutes

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