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Microtubule Dynamics and Protein Trafficking in Axon Regeneration

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Improving neuronal regeneration

Understanding the processes implicated in tissue regeneration could help in devising novel strategies to treat a number of conditions. With this in mind, European researchers set out to study the intrinsic process of neuronal regeneration.

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The spinal cord is formed by bundles of nerves that elongate from neurons in the brain and connect them with the rest of the body. These nerves, also termed axons, carry signals between the body and the brain. Physical injury to spinal cord axons results in a disconnection of the brain with the body, leading to dramatic debilitating conditions such as paralysis and permanent disability. The mechanisms through which injured axons regenerate are still poorly described. The EU-funded 'Microtubule dynamics and protein trafficking in axon regeneration' (MDPTAR) project investigated the intrinsic processes and mechanisms that underlie axon regeneration in neurons. The idea was that the generated information could be medically exploited to boost axonal regeneration in cases of nervous system injury. Remodelling of the microtubule cytoskeleton is a key step in the regeneration of axons, involving the break-down and re-polymerisation of microtubules. However, the dynamics of the microtubule cytoskeleton have been studied mainly with respect to neuronal development rather than axonal regeneration. Researchers identified the protein kinesin family member 3C (KIF3C) as a key regulator of axonal growth and regeneration, which controls microtubule dynamics. KIF3C is expressed in the neuronal cell body and moves to the axon where it regulates and organises the microtubule network. Adult axons lacking KIF3C displayed an impaired axonal outgrowth and delayed regeneration after injury. Collectively, the work of the MDPTAR study offered significant knowledge on the programme of neuronal regeneration. The findings of the study could be exploited for the design of novel drugs that promote neuronal regeneration and improve the clinical picture of patients with neurological conditions.


Neuronal regeneration, spinal cord injury, axon, microtubule cytoskeleton, kinesin family member 3C

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