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Sustainable competitiveness of SMEs in turbulent economic and social environments - a network approach

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A survival kit for SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the European and Latin American economy. They also have their own unique means of remaining competitive in an unstable global economy.

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Against the backdrop of the prevailing economic climate in Europe, SMEs are seeking ways to maintain their competitiveness. Similarly, SMEs in Latin America are struggling with economic instability of their own. An EU initiative created a survival kit for SMEs in both regions. To shed light on how SMEs cope with economic crises, the DYNAMIC SME (Sustainable competitiveness of SMEs in turbulent economic and social environments - a network approach) project designed an innovative management model that integrates European innovation and organisational learning models with survival strategies in Argentina and Brazil. This was achieved through learning networks and clusters. Project partners worked to strengthen research partnerships through staff exchanges between research organisations in Germany and Spain and Argentina and Brazil. Latin American researchers were introduced to European SME management methods. Their European counterparts became acquainted with survival and competition approaches of Argentine and Brazilian SMEs. Networking activities were also included, namely the establishment of a strategic collaboration between SME networks and clusters. A seven-step methodology Learn to Grow was successfully implemented in Argentina and Brazil. The innovative German model was designed to help SMEs become more competitive. A workshop was held in 2013 to train Latin American facilitators in using the methodology. Researchers in Argentina looked at 25 local SMEs that endured unstable economic conditions over the last 15 years. Findings provided valuable insight on the challenges faced and methods employed by SMEs during volatile times. Project members have carried out a comprehensive review of knowledge management tools relevant to SME competitiveness. Short videos were produced for selected tools such as business intelligence and internal communication. As work continues toward the development of successful management practices, DYNAMIC SME efforts can help make European and Latin American SMEs competitive despite their respective unfavourable economic climates.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Europe, Latin America, management model, organisational learning models

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