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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-11-17

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Industry Council adopts resolution on competitiveness of Community industry

The Council for Industry met in Brussels on 8 November 1994. The meeting was presided by Mr. Gunther Rexrodt, German Minister for the Economy. The Council adopted a resolution aimed at reinforcing the competitiveness of Community industry. The resolution aims to increase the ...

The Council for Industry met in Brussels on 8 November 1994. The meeting was presided by Mr. Gunther Rexrodt, German Minister for the Economy. The Council adopted a resolution aimed at reinforcing the competitiveness of Community industry. The resolution aims to increase the efficiency of actions in the Fourth Framework Programme, in particular by increasing the participation of SMEs and their access to research results, in order to reinforce the scientific and technological bases of Community industry. The resolution also hopes to create a favourable environment for cooperation between enterprises in different Member States in the field of industry and services, notably in R&D, and would facilitate projects based on collaboration between research institutes. Other topics discussed by the Council were as follows: - Restructuring of the Community steel industry; - Monitoring of State aids to the steel industry; - Exchange of views on aid to EKO Stahl GmbH; - Naval construction; - Commission's annual report on competition policy; - Pharmaceutical sector (orientations of industrial policy); - Mechanical construction sector (reinforcement of competitiveness).