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It's not too early for Christmas decorations

Decorating early for Christmas make us happier, say experts.

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Year after year, it feels as if Christmas comes earlier and earlier. Commercialisation is one answer. There's another reason why people decorate earlier and tap into the excitement of the holidays before the rest of us. It has to do with a chemical reaction in our brains. Putting up the Christmas tree, and breaking out the sparkling lights and wreaths to soak up the spirit of the holidays, improves our moods chemically. Decorating boosts the feel-good hormone dopamine.

'Tis the season to be happy

But what is it about brightening up our homes in the festive spirit that activates happy hormones? It's the shiny lights, brilliant colours – and nostalgia. “For most people, decorating for Christmas reminds us of the best times in our lives,” explained psychotherapist and bestselling author Amy Morin. “Thinking of those happy memories stirs up happy feelings.” “When you're putting up decorations, you're thinking of happier times, times with family and friends and family traditions you engaged in,” she added. “For some people it's bittersweet -- if family members are no longer here -- but it's still a way to connect.”

Opening the door to new possibilities

Seminal research on the topic showed that decorating the outside of homes makes others think the people inside are more welcoming and sociable. “[Decorations] can lead to more positive conversations and they're an easy way to strike up a conversation,” elaborated Morin. “It helps build a sense of community and belonging and all those things are associated with happiness too.” Let's not forget the tradition of giving during the holiday season, yet another powerful motivator. “Altruism increases in the month of December and as people start to give more and donate more, it makes them happy,” she continued. “It makes people feel good so they want to start celebrating as early as possible.” Science offers a perfect excuse to take a faster approach to the holiday festivities. Now what does science say about putting the decorations away? No studies on this yet. Bah humbug!


Christmas, decoration, happy, holiday, hormone, dopamine