RACE and Telematics programmes receive 800 proposals
In response to public calls for proposals issued in June-August 1991 with regard to specific RTD programmes in the fields of communications technology (RACE II) and of telematics, close to 800 proposals have been submitted for consideration, involving a total of more than 7,000 organizations from all Member States, from EFTA countries, and from countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Japan and the USA. RACE received 183 proposals, the specific RTD programme in telematics systems of general interest, embracing DRIVE, DELTA, AIM, European Nervous Systems (ENS), Opportunities for Rural Areas (ORA) and Linguistic Research and Engineering (LRE) received 541, while 66 projects were submitted concerning the related action on information security. EC funding requested by the proposers totalled ECU 2.9 billion, the total funding available being limited to ECU 869 million. The Commission hopes to complete contract negotiations with some 250 selected project consortia early in December 1991, enabling projects to become operational in January 1992. A complete list of all selected projects and their partners will subsequently be made available.