Funding for fellowships at CERN
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is the world's leading particle physics research institution. For decades, CERN has offered research fellowships for exemplary international researchers. Recently, the 'Cofunding of the CERN Fellowship Programme' (COFUND-CERN) project provided funds to enhance CERN fellowships by means of a research exchange programme. This forms part of CERN's Senior Fellowship Programme, which is offered to researchers of all nationalities. Applicants to the CERN-COFUND programme proposed their own research projects. Candidates were chosen based on the scientific potential of the proposal as well as the academic history of the individual. Fellows were offered three-year fellowships instead of the standard two-year CERN Fellowships. In this third year, they had the opportunity to join external institutions, including industrial research laboratories. In addition to the skills gained through research exchange, fellows were offered a range of training courses and a chance for industrial collaboration. The CERN-COFUND project has created an improved fellowship programme at CERN, which will lend itself to better research and better-equipped researchers in the EU.
Fellowship, particle physics, research exchange, nuclear research, international researcher, industrial research