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Content archived on 2022-07-14

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Third International Symposium Pain in the Baltics, Vilnius, Lithuania

The Third International Symposium Pain in the Baltics will take place from 13 to 14 April 2012 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Chronic pain is a clinical challenge for practicing physicians and health systems. Lack of knowledge about opioids, negative attitudes toward prescribing opi...

13 April 2012 - 13 April 2012
The Third International Symposium Pain in the Baltics will take place from 13 to 14 April 2012 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Chronic pain is a clinical challenge for practicing physicians and health systems. Lack of knowledge about opioids, negative attitudes toward prescribing opioids, and inadequate pain-assessment skills combine to create major barriers to pain relief. Patient-related barriers, such as a lack of communication and unwarranted fears of addiction, further complicate pain assessment and treatment make it difficult to assess pain. The health care system itself can also hinder pain relief through practical constraints in the community and fear of regulatory scrutiny.

Highlighting these challenges can help jumpstart the process of evaluating and improving practices of pain management.

The event is intended to be a forum for physicians, social workers, scientists and decisionmakers in health care and specialists in pain treatment. Session topics will include:
- pain prevalence and society impacts;
- education prospective;
- pain treatment organisation in the health care system-what is optimal model;
- opiods -pros and cons;
-interventional pain management techniques: updates and guidelines;
- physiological interventions for pain;
- when surgeons can help for the pain?
- back pain: news, updates and modernism;
- neuromodulation and advances in Baltic countries;
- cancer pain, palliative care and nursing.For further information, please visit: