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Inhalt archiviert am 2023-03-27

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Multiannual R&D programmes (EEC) in the field of the environment - Pilot projects on major technological hazards -, 1986-1990

Part of the first Framework Programme (1984-1987) in the field of research, development and demonstration activities under subactivity 8.2.: "Environment and Climatology" and subsequently included in the 1987-1991 Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development under subactivity 1.3.: "Environment".

The programme is part of a broader Community effort, which includes on-going research at the Joint Research Centre (the Industrial Risk Programme), the activities of various directorates-general and schemes for the exchange of information.

Largely a continuation of previous shared-cost research under the Nuclear Safety Programme (1979-1984), the programme provides for the possibility of extending laboratory and field research aimed at establishing a consolidated scientific basis for environmental legislation and management.

The small scale of the programme largely reflects the Council Decision to reduce funding for it from ECU 15 million to ECU 3 million.

The focus is on the behaviour of gases following explosive decompressing.
To improve the scientific foundations of risk analysis and to ameliorate or replace hazardous processes and technologies in the light of human and geographical factors and the likelihood of catastrophic events.
Three areas:

- Physical and chemical phenomena and mitigation of the consequences of accidents, calling for large-scale experimentation, reduced-scale simulation and theoretical modelling;

- Technological aspects, covering:
. Safety and reliability of existing technologies;
. Alternative, safer technologies and processes;
. Instrumentation for detecting mitigating high-risk situations and requiring predominant industrial participation;

- Assessment and management of risk, covering:
. Risk analysis and accident prevention;
. Accident management: measures in an emergency, population behaviour and emergency planning.
The Commission, assisted by the Management and Coordination Advisory Committee (CGC) on the Environment and Climatology, is responsible executing of the programme, which was reviewed at the end of the second year.