Descrizione del progetto
Verso un mercato olistico degli strumenti di automazione delle infrastrutture
Il ruolo della gestione del software nelle infrastrutture operative è in aumento; l’automazione, il cloud e la messa in rete definita dal software aumentano la velocità e la sicurezza delle operazioni. La filosofia DevOps offre già una serie di prassi e di strumenti che combinano lo sviluppo del software e le operazioni IT per abbreviare il ciclo di vita dello sviluppo e fornire un’offerta continuativa. Tuttavia, sono necessari strumenti per gestire l’intero ciclo di vita dell’infrastruttura come codice (infrastructure as code, IaC), con particolare attenzione agli aspetti di affidabilità e sicurezza durante l’intero ciclo di vita dell’IaC. Il progetto PIACERE, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà gli strumenti, le tecniche e i metodi per consentire alle organizzazioni di sviluppare e gestire il sistema IaC attraverso le prassi DevSecOps come farebbero con il codice tradizionale.
In this era of virtualisation, the abstraction of underlying hardware resources and the prominence of tools for infrastructural automation have been key enablers for the deployment of distributed services at scale. The growing role of software in managing infrastructures and the DevOps movement, focused on the automation of infrastructure management, are targeting the challenges of increasing speed and quality of infrastructure management, thus lowering costs and enhancing security and trustworthiness. However, the market of infrastructure automation tools is fragmented, there is no single one to manage the whole lifecycle of infrastructure as code (IaC) and existing solutions do not address all trustworthiness and security aspects throughout the whole lifecycle. PIACERE will develop tools, techniques and methods enabling organisations to fully embrace the IaC approach through the DevSecOps philosophy. PIACERE will provide the first Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop and verify IaC. Exploiting Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), the IDE will enable developers to create infrastructural code at an abstract level. Using the novel DevOps Modelling Language (DOML), the DevOps team will generate IaC for different languages and verify its correctness at model and code level along with the corresponding security components. The IDE is one part of the complete workflow and will be supported with: 1) a canary environment to aid the simulation of the conditions of the production environment allowing the early identification of potential vulnerabilities and 2) an IaC execution Environment to automatically deploy, monitor and ensure that the conditions are met, incorporating self-healing and self-learning features. The integration, security first and IaC polyglotism arm the DevSecOps teams to treat and work with IaC as they do with traditional code, simplifying the design, development and operation of IaC, while increasing their productivity, quality and reliability
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinatore