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Three-dimensional holo’omic landscapes to unveil host-microbiota interactions shaping animal production

Descripción del proyecto

Análisis de ómica tridimensional de las interacciones hospedador-microbiota para impulsar la producción ganadera

La dilucidación de la conformación tridimensional de las biomoléculas en células y tejidos es un elemento esencial para comprender las interacciones biomoleculares. El equipo del proyecto financiado con fondos europeos 3D-omics se propone desarrollar, optimizar y poner en práctica conocimientos sobre las interacciones biomoleculares en la producción ganadera. El objetivo es generar panoramas de ómica tridimensional y reconstruir así los ecosistemas de microbiota de los hospedadores intestinales. Mediante sistemas de producción porcina y avícola, en el proyecto se analizarán los efectos de diferentes factores, como el desarrollo animal, la dieta o la exposición a patógenos, y las prácticas de gestión en los panoramas de ómica tridimensional. El estudio innovador allanará el camino para mejorar las prácticas ganaderas y desarrollar tanto piensos adaptados a la microbiota y los hospedadores como tratamientos fitosanitarios para animales, aumentando así la eficiencia de la producción y el bienestar animal.


Understanding the interplay between animals and microorganisms associated with them has been recognised as an essential step for improving animal health, welfare and production. To understand the biomolecular interactions that impact production processes, researchers are implementing novel analytical strategies based on studying host genomes, their microbial metagenomes as well as the different ‘omic layers interconnecting them. However, such information, derived from conventional DNA/RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry, does not provide any information about how the different biological elements are spatially distributed in the ecosystem. In consequence, many microbe-microbe and animal-microbe interactions remain hidden due to the lack of resolution of the employed techniques. Acknowledging the three-dimensional (3D) conformation of biomolecules, cells and tissues is now considered a key element for advancing the understanding of biomolecular interactions. In 3D’omics we will develop, optimise and, for the first time, implement this technology in animal production to generate the so-called 3D’omic landscapes, the most accurate reconstructions of intestinal host-microbiota ecosystems ever achieved. Using two terrestrial production systems, namely poultry and swine, we will analyse the effect of a myriad of factors, including animal development, diet, exposure to pathogens and management practices, in the shaping of 3D’omic landscapes. Through coupling our new technology with cutting edge analyses of animal health and performance, we will advance phenotypic variability and genetic evaluations of production animals to a new frontier. We foresee our solution will open new research avenues to improve animal breeding practices, develop microbiota- and host-tailored feeds and animal health treatments, as well as to design new management practices that will enable increasing production efficiency and animal welfare while decreasing the environmental impact.

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 4 354 553,75
1165 Kobenhavn

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Danmark Hovedstaden Byen København
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 4 354 553,75

Participantes (15)