CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Boosting Rural Bioeconomy Networks following multi-actor approaches


Neue biobasierte Initiativen zur Förderung der Bioökonomie und ländlichen Entwicklung

Informationsverbreitung und Kommunikation sind der Schlüssel, um die Wissenschaft hinter biobasierten Wirtschaftsmodellen und ihre Umsetzung in die Praxis enger miteinander zu verknüpfen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BRANCHES hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Austausch von Informationen, neuen Ideen und Technologien zwischen land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Akteuren in Europa, insbesondere in ländlichen Gebieten, zu fördern. Das Projekt vereint 12 Partner und über 30 Organisationen, darunter Unternehmen, Verbände, Ministerien, Räte und Vereinigungen. Es wird bestehende bewährte Praktiken und Forschungsergebnisse aus früheren und aktuellen Projekten auf nationaler und EU-Ebene zusammenfassen, weitergeben und vorstellen, um neue biobasierte Initiativen zur Förderung der Bioökonomie und der ländlichen Entwicklung zu ermöglichen. Außerdem wird das Projekt bisherige Erfolgsgeschichten aus den Lieferketten für forst- und landwirtschaftliche Biomasse präsentieren.


BRANCHES aims to increase implementation of cost-efficient new technologies mobilize more biomass and create new business opportunities in rural areas by improving and strengthening the connection between practice and science of bio-based economy through offering a channel for two-way flow of information, new ideas and technologies within European agriculture & forestry practitioners particularly in rural areas. Research in bioeconomy has accelerated during the last ten years and a vast amount of knowledge has been generated. However, due to the multiple sectors and complex value chains involved, a significant part of that valuable information is in danger to stay untapped.
The BRANCHES project will summarize, share and present the existing best practices and research results from earlier and running EU and national projects to promote bioeconomy and rural development through new bio-based initiatives. The demands and needs of the practitioners will be gathered by a series of workshops and meetings and active co-operation within national networks. In BRANCHES, the selected knowledge on forest and agricultural biomass supply chains will be integrated with available and innovative technologies and best-practice cases for bioeconomy solutions with bioenergy conversion systems in wider bioeconomy context. Policy recommendations, competitive biomass supply chains and most suitable innovative technologies will be summarized and shared in easily understandable formats (Practice abstracts and factsheets) through Thematic Networks launched by BRANCHES. The cooperation within Thematic Networks is expected to lead to outcomes which will have a lasting and widespread impact on practitioners across Europe in the rural environment. The project consortium has 12 partners, and, in addition, over 30 different organizations (including companies, associations, Ministries, Councils and Federations) have express their support to the project (through support letters).

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€ 436 760,00
00790 Helsinki

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Research Organisations
€ 436 760,00

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