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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SEA2LAND (Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-07-01 bis 2023-12-31

More than 50% of the fertilisers used in Europe are synthetic fertilisers from third countries (high logistical costs, high GHG emissions and high dependence on third, often unstable countries). Moreover, fossil fertilisers contribute to GHG emissions and at the same time, agriculture demands more than 1,900 tonnes/year of P that are currently obtained from mines, which have a high impact and are non-renewable. An agriculture dependent on others may have problems to produce food in sufficient quantity and at a reasonable price if the market for fertilisers becomes more expensive or destabilised. Society must have a guaranteed food supply without being dependent on third parties who can make the availability of fertilisers more expensive, or use the availability of fertilisers as a commercial weapon.
Besides, each year, the discards from fisheries exceed 20 million t (25% of total catches), and include "non-target" species, fish processing waste and by-products which composition can exceed 9% N, 2% P and 0.6% K.
The general objective of the SEA2LAND project is to provide solutions to help overcome future challenges related to food production, climate change and waste reuse by improving and adapting technologies for nutrient recovery to produce bio-based fertilisers (BBFs) and Tailor Made fertilisers (TMFs) from fishery and aquaculture by-products generated in Europe.
WP2 Task 2.1 Mapping of European nutrient unbalance. The assessment of nutrient imbalances in European soils is necessary to obtain information for a more rational fertilisation and better use of local resources. This mapping has been done based on national, and regional data sources where data from soils, crops, manure etc. were collected, statistically treated and, thus, a nutrients balance map for each region (NUT 3) has been calculated. During this period maps on Ca, Mg and K have been added. Task 2.2. End users’ requirements. in each region, deepening in the specific characteristics of the agricultural systems and models using a questionnaire to end users. As conclusion it can be said that ecological biostimulants obtained from fishery or aquaculture byproducts will be accepted by European end users. Task 2.3. Mapping of fisheries and aquaculture side-streams. The objective has been updating the information on the provided side-streams in each SEA2LAND region. The volumes available of each side-stream type for their valorisation in each of the studied countries have been estimated. Task 2.4. Regulatory Task EU and National/Regional specific regulations affecting the use of fishery and aquaculture by-products for agronomic use and identify the legal requirements that the raw materials and the final products must fulfil were analysed. Task 2.5. Determining the variables that affect the acceptance of consumers related to food waste recycling in this way is important to ensure the market uptake of BBF treated products. A consumer survey was done in which a total of 1,516 online answers were obtained in 5 European countries participating in the project: Spain, Italy, France, Estonia and Norway.2.6 Multi Actor approach. SWOT analysis gives an overview of internal and external factors for the SEA2LAND case studies and conclusions about the identification of development needs, recommendations to regulatory bodies and a proposal of future actions. A preliminary SWOT has been developed for 7 SEA2LAND case studies.
WP3 and WP4 try to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the fertilisers production from different by-products of the fish processing industry, using different technologies and to produce end-products (BBF) suitable for their validation through agronomic trials in WP5 and quality assessment WP6, 7 pilot experiences in the Baltic, Cantabrian, Adriatic Sea Regions North Sea, Atlantic Sea and Mediterranean Sea and a freshwater pilot placed in North Spain are being developed. 16 different products have been obtained (15 biobased fertilizers and 1 amendment also of these 15 fertilizers 6 may have biostimulant capacity, which is being studied in the WP5 field trials.
WP 5. The objective of WP5 aims to evaluate nutrient value and environmental performance of bio- based fertilizers obtained in WP3 and WP4, under different conditions. A pot trial was set up to evaluate the performance of the different BBFs developed and select most promising BBFs that could be produced in sufficient quantity to be used field trials of Norway, Estonia, France, Belgium, and Spain. In these trials, soil and plant samples were collected and analysed to determine N dynamics and soil health, at different phenological stages. At the same time, yield and soil health were also recorded. From these field trials we are obtaining needed data for modelling
Within the WP6 which aim is to assess the quality and safety of BBF products obtained in WP3 and WP4. During this 2 period it has been determined N mineralization and release dynamics of selected organic fertilizers for field trials and it has been optimized of the protocol for the extraction of microplastics from BBF samples and assessment of soil health by a set of soil indicators upon BBF amendment.
In the case of WP7, the social and environmental impact and technic-economic assessment is evaluated as necessary to assess the sustainability of applying BBFs, not only in terms of environmental impacts, but also in terms of economics and social aspects. To do this, a techno-economic assessment (TEA) has been conducted underlining the need to produce at industrial scale to be economic viable. Environmental hotspots during the production of BBF have been identified. The specific results have been provided to case study leaders to optimize the pilot plants. To determine social impacts, the social LCA has been laid by identifying relevant stakeholder and impacts.
WP8, the objective is to establish the most appropriate business model for each situation, with the aim of creating new business lines that materialize the solutions proposed in this project, including exploitation and studies of replicability. During this timeframe, stakeholder group analysis was conducted performing brainstorm sessions on topics regarding the BBFs and opportunities in the fishing sector. The total number of attendees was 194.
SEA2LAND identifies excess or deficit of nutrients existing in Europe at scale( NUT3) updating existing data. A geographic viewer is published providing more accurarate and more useful data for land management purposes
SEA2LAND has generated 15 new BBF using residues from fishing and aquaculture that have not been used until now. 6 of them with bioestimulant potentiality that means a higher added value, It is expected that substitute 10% of conventional fertilizers
Effect of BBF on environment parameters included soil health where the prelimiary data show an effect on soil microbila community
The presence and flux of microplastics. The social and environmental impact has been studied to have a complete overview of the entire chain adn will increase society safety
The technologies developed by the SEA2LAND project could reduce 0.43 million t of imported P (1 million t/year) by 13% and replace it with safe, renewable, P-containing BBFs, i.e. SE2ALAND would provide technologies that, if treating waste 5.000.0000 t, could recover 100,000 tons of P contained in by-products of fishing and aquaculture, this P will serve 1,500,000 ha.