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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Diversifying revenue in rural Africa through circular, sustainable and replicable bio-based solutions and business models


Catalogue of small-scale bio-based technologies suitable for rural Africa

A catalogue of technology sheets with an interactive database presenting and classifying smallscale biobased technologies suitable for rural Africa based on the results of bibliographic review and interviews with external stakeholders conducted under Task 13

Local awareness raising campaigns: Specifications and action plans

A report outlining the specifications objectives messages channels target audiences and timeframe of the local awareness raising campaigns to be run in each BIO4AFRICA pilot case along with a detailed action plan for each one

Report on novel bio-based value chains and markets analysis

A report outlining the results of market structure analysis market conduct analysis and market performance analysis that will be conducted under Task 51 to feed business model design

BIO4AFRICA Accelerator: Services and selection criteria

A report presenting the design of the BIO4AFRICA Accelerator describing in detail the support services to be offered and the selection criteria and procedures for recruiting participants

Data Management Plan - first interim version

The first interim version of the Data Management Plan This version will build upon and update D83 to reflect any newly identified data to be collected generated during the project as well as any changes in data previously identified andor the methodology and plans of BIO4AFRICA for sound and FAIR data management

Context and needs of African rural communities

A report on the context and needs of target farmers and rural communities taking into account a gendersensitive approach based on the desk research and interview based survey conducted under Task 11

Suitable modes of finance and funding for bio-based technologies in Africa

A report to present the results of detecting and evaluating existing available sources of funding and finance for the deployment of biobased solutions in Africa that will be conducted under Task 14 based on desk research and consultation with African partners

Mapping of local forage agri-food systems

A report presenting the results of the mapping process conducted under Task 12 of local agrifood systems available feedstocks actors processes resource flows and value chains of the projects pilot cases

Advisory Board terms of reference and composition

A report outlining the specific terms of reference to provide the basis for the BIO4AFRICA Advisory Board activities along with the Advisory Board composition

Data Management Plan - initial version

A report produced outlining the data to be collected generated during the project as well as the data management methodology and plan to be followed across their life cycle in order to ensure their sound and FAIR management in line with applicable legislation at national and EU level

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