CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Consumption

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RES4LIVE (Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Consumption)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-10-01 bis 2022-03-31

RES4LIVE’s mission is to develop and bring into the market integrated, cost-effective and case-sensitive Renewable Energy Sources (RES) solutions towards achieving a fossil-free livestock farming. Fossil fuel use in the agricultural sector is a major source of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, with significant contributions to global climate change and the risk of food security. One of the most energy consuming subsectors of agriculture is intensive livestock farming, since both electricity and thermal energy is required to cover its strongly diversified energy demand,such as through the cooling-heating of the indoor livestock buildings environment, running of equipment and tractors, lighting, and ventilation systems. Addressing fossil fuels use in the agricultural industry is a crucial aspect to reaching the EU’s global sustainability goals. By reducing fossil fuel use, and therefore GHG emissions, in the energy-intensive livestock farming sector, the project aims to contribute to the green energy transformation and sustainability in agriculture.

With declining costs and improved reliability and performance of key RES technologies, the opportunities for farmers - and specifically for livestock producers - to engage in RES production are increasing. However, the wide variety of business models available necessitates a closer analysis of the optimal operating system, as the potential, performance and impacts of RES technologies depends on the local climate and site-specific conditions, including size and type of farm, management techniques, degree of mechanisation, and socio-economic factors. Farmers require sound advice, investment support and risk management; the adaptation of RES technologies and machinery and their demonstration at a large-scale on farm level require supporting measures with respect to spatial planning, infrastructure, different business models and market organisation. RES4LIVE will address these challenges, ensuring a wider adoption of RES and energy efficiency technologies, machinery and techniques in livestock farms towards a zero-fossil fuel consumption.

The project utilizes these key RES technologies (PVT panels, heat pumps, geothermal energy, and biomethane production from biogas for tractors) to determine the most effective and efficient ways to incorporate them on farms. RES4LIVE will demonstrate RES technologies in four pilot farms (swine, dairy, and poultry) located in Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Italy. While there are overarching RES technologies used throughout the project, there are also site-specific solutions. The project also includes a complete assessment of the RES technology incorporation and outcomes, enabling wider replication in the livestock farming industry.
RES4LIVE has made significant progress in adapting promising key RES technologies suitable for direct integration into livestock farming, namely:

• Adaptation of on-farm upgrading of biogas to biomethane
• Adaptation of a farm tractor for biomethane use
• Adaptation of a modular heat pump for operating in livestock environment
• PVT system design development for easy and low-cost installations in farms

The individual designs of these technologies are almost completed, and the manufacturing process has started. Furthermore, the integrated designs will be finalized by early-2023 for all four farms. An inventory was also compiled of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency technologies to allow farmers considering investing in sustainable technologies and policy makers to quickly find farming-relevant information on those technologies. Additionally, a numerical simulation model was developed focusing on the most promising technologies of this inventory, the results of which will help create an optimal design for a fossil-free farm, minimizing costs and maximizing ecological impacts.

RES-based energy systems and combined solutions will follow optimisation methodologies with smart energy control to conclude to their design, installation and eventually pilot testing in 4 selected farms of 3 different species. RES4LIVE emphasises long-term testing to confidently evaluate performance, indoor thermal comfort, durability, de-fossilising target set and end-user acceptance. The designs of all farms are being finalised, renovations have occurred, and installation is expected to be completed by mid-2023. Following the installation of all RES technologies, there will be a year-long data collection process.
The expected impact of the RES4LIVE project spreads across both livestock farming and renewable energy sectors. On a farming level, RES4LIVE will establish a template for environmentally and economically sustainable livestock farms using smart energy solutions. The project will offer to livestock farmers the opportunity to greatly de-fossilize their units, covering their needs in energy, reducing operation costs, increasing competitiveness, and ensuring optimum animal productivity due to improved living conditions. The incorporation of renewable and sustainable energy solutions will also greatly reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) footprint of the livestock sector.

The wide use of the proposed innovative systems by the EU livestock sector will not only pave the way for a fossil-energy-free agricultural sector, but is also expected to have multidimensional impacts on the European economy, society and farming industry. In this framework, key EU priorities will be addressed, such as:

• Creating forefront knowledge in the application of renewable energy solutions in livestock farming.
• Supporting job growth and competitiveness in the EU livestock industry, as well as sustainability, circularity and diversity of regional and local livestock farms.
• Improving EU citizens’ quality of life by drastically reducing the livestock sector’s environmental footprint, reducing farms’ dependency on fossil fuel and electricity providers.
• Building a high animal welfare of animals and their productivity.

On a policy level, the project will provide policy briefs for the formation of directives on energy consumption in livestock farms, paving the way for the increase of the renewable energy consumption share in the EU energy mix and the gradual transformation of the European livestock sector to a fossil-free sector. This is especially necessary given the fact that there is no current policy requirement for livestock buildings/facilities and no policy on energy consumption from other activities in a livestock farm, including energy required for running equipment and machinery.
RES4LIVE poster