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Understanding and exploiting epigenetic regulation in CAR T cell therapy

Descripción del proyecto

Estudio detallado de la epigenética de la terapia con linfocitos T CAR

Los linfocitos T con receptor quimérico para el antígeno (CAR, por sus siglas en inglés) son un nuevo método para fortalecer el sistema inmunitario de un enfermo con el objetivo de combatir una neoplasia maligna. Los linfocitos T CAR son células de pacientes genomodificadas para detectar antígenos específicos en células cancerosas y destruirlas. El objetivo del proyecto EPI-CART, financiado con fondos europeos, es conocer mejor la epigenética de los linfocitos T CAR, una característica que, hasta ahora, no se había estudiado. Los investigadores del proyecto llevarán a cabo análisis epigenéticos y transcriptómicos de estas células después de su trasplante. Relacionar esta información con la regulación inmunitaria permitirá dilucidar los impulsores epigenéticos de la respuesta de los linfocitos T CAR y ayudará a optimizar esta inmunoterapia para tumores sólidos.


The dramatic efficacy of CAR T cell therapy in certain hematopoietic malignancies provides clinical validation of a groundbreaking paradigm: Human cells can be engineered into purpose-built therapeutic agents by genetically introducing artificial regulatory programs. The EPI-CART project will focus on epigenetic regulation in CAR T cell therapy – an important but underappreciated aspect of all cell-based therapies.

We will investigate the regulatory dynamics during CAR T cell therapy in unprecedented molecular detail, by following 40 patients who will receive treatment for two blood cancers (Aim 1). Using single-cell epigenome/transcriptome profiling of CAR T cells and sequential biopsies, clonal tracking, monitoring of immune regulation, and liquid biopsies, we will bioinformatically reconstruct patient-specific trajectories, identify molecular markers for therapy monitoring, and uncover epigenetic drivers of CAR T cell response.

To engineer the first “epigenetically boosted” CAR T cells for hard-to-treat cancers (CAR-T-resistant blood cancers, solid tumors), we developed a CAR T cell screening/engineering platform that enables us to functionally test thousands of potential regulators in cellular assays and mouse tumor models (Aim 2). The in vivo experiments leverage our CRISPR single-cell sequencing method (CROP-seq), supporting rational optimization of CAR T cells and quantitative modeling of the underlying regulatory mechanisms.

The EPI-CART project will uncover key roles of epigenetic regulation in CAR T cells, advance our understanding of existing CAR T cell therapies, and establish new approaches for areas with unmet clinical need. We will establish preclinical proof-of-concept for the efficacy of “epigenetically boosted” CAR T cells and provide a compelling rationale for subsequent first-in-human clinical trials. More generally, this project will demonstrate the biological roles and translational potential of epigenetic programs in cell-based therapy.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-COG - Consolidator Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 999 913,00
1090 Wien

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Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 999 913,00

Beneficiarios (1)