CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

TRansport in the InterioR of the Earth from Modelling and Experiments


Mit Experimenten die Dynamik in der Tiefe der Erde erklären

Um unsere Umwelt und ihre Veränderungen besser zu verstehen, müssen die in den Tiefen der Erde ablaufenden Mechanismen erforscht werden. Direkt an Wissen über die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften sowie die Dynamik zu gelangen, wird mit zunehmender Tiefe jedoch unmöglich. Um diese Herausforderung zu meistern, wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt TRIREME den Energietransport durch Mineralien und Schmelzen in exakt entsprechend den im Erdinneren herrschenden Extrembedingungen mit hohem Druck und hoher Temperatur modellierten, robusten und bahnbrechenden Experimenten untersuchen. Somit wird es den Wärmetransport, die elektrische Leitung und den Fluidfluss im Erdkern und im tieferen Erdmantel untersuchen sowie gleichzeitig unbekannte Auswirkungen des Tiefentransports auf die Entwicklung der Erde und ihre heute noch verborgene Dynamik aufdecken.


"Project TRIREME will explore the transport of energy through minerals and melts at the high pressure and temperature conditions of the Earth’s interior, and the consequences for Earth’s evolution and its present dynamics, from the core to the biosphere. Deep transport determines the age and growth behaviour of the inner core, the thermal history of the mantle, and the longevity of Earth’s life- and civilization-sustaining magnetic field. This project will determine the transport behaviour in deep Earth materials via cutting edge experiments at extreme conditions, constraining heat transport, electrical conduction, and fluid flow in Earth’s core and lower mantle. Accurate numerical modelling of the complex experiments will robustly establish underlying transport properties and their uncertainties. Applying these methods in geophysically-relevant minerals and melts, including iron alloys and mantle minerals, at the true conditions of Earth’s interior, our results will constrain the dynamics of deep Earth systems, to better understand and predict their evolution and effect on the surface environment. We will examine in particular the current and historic conditions of Earth’s core and dynamo-driven magnetic field in the context of geodynamic and geomagnetic constraints on deep dynamics. Project TRIREME (Latin: ""three rows of oars"") will thus comprise three lines of investigation: 1) the laboratory study of transport in Earth's interior using novel and cutting-edge experimental techniques at high pressure and temperature; 2) the numerical modelling of experiments in unprecedented detail to accurately characterise observed transport phenomena at extremes; and 3) consideration of the geodynamic phenomena emerging from the underlying transport behaviour. In breaking through longstanding challenges in the measurement of transport at extreme conditions, this work will set course to make a historic impact in the study of Earth systems’ dynamics."

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 999 928,75
EH8 9YL Edinburgh
Vereinigtes Königreich

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Scotland Eastern Scotland Edinburgh
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 999 928,75

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