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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
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Advanced Space Propulsion for Innovative Realization of space Exploration


Hall-Effekt-Antriebstechnologie wird ausgereifter

Hinter dem Hall-Effekt-Antrieb verbirgt sich eine Art von Ionentriebwerken, bei denen das Treibmittel durch ein elektrisches Feld beschleunigt wird. Es funktioniert mit einer Vielzahl von Treibmitteln, wobei am häufigsten Xenon und Krypton zum Einsatz kommen. Trotz wesentlicher theoretischer und experimenteller Forschungsanstrengungen seit 1960 hat die Technologie bisher keinen qualifizierten Status erreicht, was hauptsächlich an den hohen Systemkosten und dem Mangel an Testeinrichtungen liegt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ASPIRE zielt darauf ab, den Technologie-Reifegrad eines 20-kW-Hall-Effekt-Antriebssystems auf „6“ anzuheben. Die Projektarbeit baut auf den erfolgreichen Ergebnissen eines anderen EU-Projekts namens CHEOPS auf, bei dem drei verschiedene elektrische Hall-Effekt-Antriebssysteme für verschiedene Umlaufbahnen entwickelt werden.


The recent developments in high-power Hall thruster systems, thanks to the optimal combination of performance and reliability, are enabling a wide set of mission scenarios. These technological advantages, coupled with the increasing availability of power onboard satellite platforms, are encouraging several spacecraft manufacturers to focus on the implementation of high-power Hall thruster systems.
The most promising scenarios envisage the introduction of a new class of service platforms characterized by versatility and a high level of reusability, the so-called Space Tug. Other applications, nowadays of particular interest, are the active debris removal to mitigate the possible collision risks. Besides, several exploration and scientific missions, such as Mars Sample Return, contemplate high power electric propulsion as the main propulsion system.
Despite these potential advantages, several factors have limited the possibility of reaching qualified status for these systems, such as huge costs and availability of test facility.
ASPIRE aims to increase the TRL of 20kW Hall Thruster system up to 6 by exploiting results obtained within CHEOPS. The project will cover many aspects, from mission scenarios analysis and satellite architecture consolidation to thruster unit TRL raise to 7 and enabling reduced-cost qualification. To keep operational and development costs as low as possible, krypton is maintained as baseline propellant.
The ASPIRE project also aims at augmenting the numerical modelling capability necessary for qualification of high-power EP systems, which lacks in Europe. The numerical models, developed and refined by three academic partners in the frame of this project, will be validated with the data gathered in more than 1000 hours of firing with Kr. Artificial intelligence is used to develop a novel simulation-aided qualification strategy, representing an exclusive European asset for the foreseen qualification and flight in the 2020-2030 decade.

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