CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Bridges to assess the production and impact of migration narratives


Cross-national comparative report on the impact of narratives on policymaking at the national level

On the basis of the 6 national reports (D7.1), UEDIN will write a cross-national comparative report to assess to what extent different contexts lead to different dynamics between narrative production and policymaking.

Compilation of two national reports on Gambia and Sudan

On the basis of focus groups and interviews, two national reports will be produced to analyse the influence of different types of narratives on the attitudes and decisions of (potential) migrants in Gambia and Sudan. It will be led by VUB with the participation of ISF.

Report on communication and dissemination activities, including posts on social media, publications and participation on public events

Elaboration of a report including all project communication and dissemination activities. It will be done by CIDOB.

Policy brief on the impact of narratives in potential migrants' decisions

On the basis of the two national reports (D6.1), a policy brief will be written to advise policymakers when designing information campaigns targeting potential migrants. It will be produced by VUB with the collaboration of ISF.

Report on the influence of narratives on subsequently created narratives about immigration (as mediated by attitudes)

A detailed report on the influence of narratives on subsequently created narratives about immigration will be produced by UPF with the collaboration of CSS.

Policy brief on the impact of narratives on policymaking at the national level

On the basis of the research done in this WP, UEDIN will write a policy brief to assist policymakers in taking decisions that are more fact-based.

Update of the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Action Plan (DECAP)

Update of the dissemination and communication plan. It will be done by CIDOB.

Compilation of 6 national reports on the impact of narratives on policy making at the national level

6 national reports will be written to understand how narratives on migration and integration in political debate and policymaking have evolved over the past decade and how these have been received and processed in different policymaking venues in France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, the UK. It will be led by UEDIN with the participation of CIDOB, FIERI, CUAS, Sciences Po and CSS.

Report on the impact of narratives on EU policymaking

This report will provide the main WP findings on how EU actors respond to competing narratives on policy rhetoric and practice. It will be done by IAI with the collaboration of UEDIN to ensure coordination with WP7.

Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Action Plan (DECAP)

Elaboration of a dissemination and communication plan to be presented and discussed during the kickoff meeting and shared in its final version few weeks after it It will be elaborated by CIDOB with the collaboration of all project partners

Toolkit with the key rules and mechanisms to build an effective alternative narrative

A toolkit with the key rules and mechanisms for producing effective alternative and inclusive narratives will be produced by PorCausa with the collaboration of CUAS, CIDOB and FIERI. This will be produced in English and translated into 7 project languages (CAT, SP, FR, IT, GE, HU, NO) for a greater outreach in each national context.

State of the art and theoretical report

A literature review will be undertaken to reflect on the key conceptual contributions related to the production and impact of narratives on migration and integration from an interdisciplinary perspective It will be led by UEDIN with the participation of CIDOB FIERI UPF IAI and VUB

Compilation of infographics

Project findings and insights will be summarised through at least 6 infographics (one per WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7 and WP8) which will be made available and spread through the expected dissemination channels and communication activities. It will be done by CIDOB.

Compilation 6 national reports on narrative productions in the media arena

Based on the analysis of media, social media and stakeholders interviews, 6 national reports will be written. It will be led by FIERI with CIDOB, Sciences Po, CUAS, CSS and UEDIN as participants.

Compilation of 3 national reports on innovative practices

3 national reports will identify and analyse innovative practices and initiatives led by different types of civil society actors that intend to challenge political discourses of exclusion across Europe. It will be led by CUAS with CIDOB and FIERI as participants.

Historical report

This report will analyse the five most important narratives on migration in Europe since 1945 and examine who produced them and how widespread they became It will be produced by CIDOB

Comparative report on innovative practices

This report will analyse communicative/discursive strategies of innovative practices and initiatives from a comparative perspective and assess the factors that enhance their capacity to become more successful. It will be produced by CUAS.

Comparative Report on narrative production in the media arena

Based on the 6 national reports (D3.1), this cross-national comparative report will pinpoint the relevant differences between countries characterised by different media systems. It will be produced by FIERI.

Policy Brief on the impact of narratives on EU policymaking

This policy brief will inform policymakers as well as other relevant policy stakeholders on the impact of narratives on institutional rhetoric as well as policies and to foster reflection on the roles and responsibilities of these stakeholders in generating such impact. It will be done by IAI.

Report on the influence of narratives on attitudes towards immigrants

A detailed report on the influence of narratives on attitudes towards immigrants will be produced by UPF with the collaboration of CSS.

Comparative report on impact of narratives in potential migrants' decisions in Africa

On the basis of the two national reports (D6.1), a comparative report will be written to assess the role of different information environments. It will be produced by VUB with the collaboration of ISF.

Guidelines gender perspective

These guidelines will aim to ensure the inclusion of the gender perspective in all WPs design tasks and outputs during the whole life of the project It will be led by CIDOB in collaboration with Snia Parella and the European Network of Migrant Women

Podcast out of BRIDGES workshop with EU policymakers

Production of a podcast (of about 30 minutes) with EU policymakers. It will be produced by CIDOB.

Video clip of the rap production

A videoclip of the rap production that wins the prize will be recorded in collaboration with the artist that has won the mural painting contest. It will be led by CIDOB with the support of the third party Generation Hip Hop or an alternative similar organisation (subcontracted) and the collaboration of PorCausa.

Video on the workshop results

This video will explain the different initiatives, their innovative approaches and the main conclusions of the WP workshop. It will be produced by CIDOB with the support of CUAS.

Webinar to disseminate the toolkit for Civil Society Organisations

Organisation of three webinars to disseminate the WP4 toolkit (on how to foster alternative narratives on migration) for civil society organisations across Europe. These will be organised by PorCausa.

Video out of interdisciplinary seminar 3

Production of a video where BRIDGES researchers explain the final research results. It will be produced by CIDOB with the collaboration of the project researchers.

Short documentary on the mural painting

Short doc (5-10 minutes) that registers the making-of and outcomes of the mural painting with the collaboration of the rap winner. In order to increase the impact of the hip hop mural and the artist, a short documentary will be produced with the collaboration of the winner of the rap contest. It will be led by CIDOB with the support of the third party Generation Hip Hop or an alternative similar organisation (subcontracted) and the collaboration of PorCausa.

Podcast out of BRIDGES workshop with media and social media

Production of a podcast (of about 30 minutes) with media and social media actors. It will be produced by CIDOB.

Video out of interdisciplinary seminar 1

Production of a video where BRIDGES researchers explain the debates of the first interdisciplinary seminar It will be produced by CIDOB with the collaboration of the project researchers

Podcast out of BRIDGES workshop with civil society actors

Production of a podcast (of about 30 minutes) with civil society actors. It will be produced by CIDOB.

Project website

Creation and regularly update of all the sections of the project website It will be produced by CIDOB

Video out of interdisciplinary seminar 2

Production of a video where BRIDGES researchers explain the first research results. It will be produced by CIDOB with the collaboration of the project researchers.

Short documentary on the photojournalism exhibition

Short doc (about 10 minutes) that registers the making-of and outcomes of the photojournalism exhibition. It will include a series of video interviews on the working methods, the production and the different phases of photographic editing to contribute to a general reflection on the importance of journalism and documentary photography. It will be produced by ZONA in collaboration with CIDOB, FIERI and PorCausa.

Digital portfolio of pictures accompanied by short texts for the BRIDGES website

It will consist of a selection of materials (pictures accompanied by short texts) selected by ZONA with the collaboration of CIDOB, FIERI and PorCausa.


Migration information campaigns: How to analyse their impact?

Autoren: Omar N. Cham, Florian Trauner
Veröffentlicht in: International Migration, Ausgabe Vol 61, Ausgabe 6, 2023, Seite(n) Pages 47-57, ISSN 1468-2435
Herausgeber: John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Organization for Migration.
DOI: 10.1111/imig.13142

‘It’s not about the information, it’s about the situation’: understanding the misalignment between EU deterrence messaging and migrants’ narratives

Autoren: Florian Trauner,Jan-Paul Brekke,Ilke Adam,Omar N. Cham &Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2024, ISSN 0000-0000
Herausgeber: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/1369183x.2024.2333865

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