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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Polifonia (Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-01-01 bis 2021-12-31

Europe's Musical Heritage Knowledge (MHK) is kept in many places, but they are disconnected (no links) and heterogeneous (sound, texts, scores, all variously transmitted). Scholars, memory institutions, music professionals and artists, and citizens struggle to access and retrieve MHK. Even when they can access and explore it, it is hard to identify relations across music objects, or between MHK and historical or social events.
Polifonia is about explicitly and homogeneously representing MHK, with dense interlinking and public access.
Polifonia has collected stories and use cases that hint at the need for methods and tools for (1) representing orally transmitted heritage and guaranteeing its preservation and transmission, 2) studying large and distributed digital collections of music objects and plurilingual texts, 3) discovering and representing MHK, its links to tangible cultural objects, and to their social, cultural, historical contexts, spanning several centuries and geographic areas.
Polifonia is building an ecosystem of computational methods and tools supporting discovery, extraction, encoding, interlinking, classification, exploration of, and access to, musical heritage knowledge on the Web.
Polifonia releases open source resources, methods, and software, performs dissemination actions for stakeholders and early adopters; increases the engagement of female students in STEM topics through MH-focused laboratories; supports reproducible and customisable artistic digital installation leveraging its technologies and resources; applies its results to ten pilots about preservation, management, studying and interaction with MHK, involving cultural institutes and collection owners, historians of music, anthropologists and ethnomusicologists, linguists, etc.
# Polifonia visual system:
# Polifonia Website:
# Project GitHub repository:
# RuleBook for developers:
# The Polifonia Ecosystem (under testing): June 2022:
# musoW, browsing and querying 500 MH resources:
# CLEF (Crowdsourcing Linked Entities via web Form):
# All pilots went through their first iteration, clarifying their objectives and identifying concrete materials for their experiments and demo applications.
# The Polifonia Ontology Network (PON), 10 modules addressing the representation of music objects and their context:
# SPARQL Anything extensions: from collections into RDF knowledge graphs:
# Cornucopia, music dataset metadata retrieval, description and integration
# Polifonia knowledge graph:
## SPARQL endpoint:
# The Ceol Rince na hÉireann (CRE) reengineered to correct MIDI version:
# MIDI to LOD:
# Music objects analysis and patterns:
## Folk ngrams analysis (FONN) tools:
## Local harmonic agreement based on recurrent patterns (LHARP):
## abstract tree-based model to index music content - faceted search engine deployed for NEUMA:
# Software for text corpus population and OCR software:
# Polifonia specialised lexicon for MH (~4000 concepts):
# Polifonia plurilingual text corpus (~250000 texts):
# Interacting with MH objects and knowledge:
## ODP Reactor, knowledge graph visualisation based on ontology design patterns:
## A thorough study on existing user interaction practices has been developed to design (and implement) an interactive tool supporting the exploration of music data and knowledge, in association with listening experiences
## Haptic devices for supporting the ACCESS pilot
## Design of specialized dashboards for heritage objects data visualization ongoing – each dashboard addresses one pilot and addresses several object visualization patterns
## Musilar, interactive interface for browsing and querying harmonic similarity graphs:
# Stakeholder network: 12 members, +18 to be invited during year 2
# The first stakeholder workshop is planned for next Autumn
# Workshop on Multisensory Data & Knowledge at LDK: collaboration between Polifonia and Odeuropa consortia (01/09/21):
# Active participation at DARIAH Working Group AIM. Presentation in an online event:
# Polifonia @ Sonar AI&Music festival 2021:
## Polifonia keynote and research demo at AI&Music - Sonar festival Barcelona (2021):
## Sonar interface design and demo - interaction combining listening experience with exploration of musical content and Knowledge:
All pilots went through their first iteratio by contributing to requirements elicitation through definition of stories/personas, by providing support to the ontology design team, by collecting texts and datasets, by acquiring and digitising relevant material to be analysed, by identifying targets for knowledge extraction through interviews with experts. Some early prototype are already available, others are under development.
Polifonia knowledge graphs and methods fosters advancement in music data interoperability and links between tangible and intangible entities (integration and extension of music notation ontologies; ontologies of multiple music contexts, including textual knowledge; associating notation patterns and contexts such as places, time, events; MHK copyright and provenance semantics).
Polifonia large-scale MHK analysis advances extraction of MHK patterns, applying them in the pilots, and supporting their use by stakeholders. That pattern layer is an asset for global exploration and discovery across MHK.
Polifonia advances large scale knowledge analysis of texts on musical heritage, discovering spatio-temporal data, agents, places, experiences, opinions, perceptions, cross-cultural perspectives.
Polifonia provides a web portal with a registry of resources, their provenance, a meta-search engine and other advanced query and exploration interfaces: visual, gestural, haptic.
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