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Cross-border and Cross-sectoral collaboration to support SMEs and the development of innovative products, processes or services for Green Offshore Production and Transport

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GreenOffshoreTech (Cross-border and Cross-sectoral collaboration to support SMEs and the development of innovative products, processes or services for Green Offshore Production and Transport)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-09-01 al 2023-02-28

Pioneering Sustainable Offshore Production and Transport

GreenOffshoreTech aims to support innovation in SMEs and fostering the development of the emerging Blue Economy industries by enabling the emergence of new cross-sectorial and cross-border value chains based on shared challenges and the deployment of key enabling technologies. Running from September 2021 to February 2023, the project has completed 18 months of of the project Completed Call#1 Phase 1, Initiated Phase 2, Opened the Call#2 on the 10th of January with a submission deadline on the 24th of March 2023.

GreenOffshoreTech has been concentrating its efforts on the topics of ”Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufactoring & Digitalization, Environmental Technologies and New Energy Carriers” within our four offshore industry sectors, namely offshore wind energy, offshore aquaculture, offshore oil and gas, and waterborne transport. The project aims to handle sector-specific challenges, stimulate sustainable cross-sectoral collaboration across 16 regions and seven countries in Europe, and support SMEs in driving innovative projects.

Although the first Call for Proposals had a moderate response, the second Call significantly exceeded expectations. This resounding success validates our commitment to fostering cross-border collaboration and providing direct support to at least 82 SMEs with innovative projects. As the project progresses, we remain optimistic about our role in advancing the EU's Green Deal and making substantial strides towards a sustainable future.

Throughout its duration, the project has achieved considerable progress. We have successfully identified potential areas for new value chains by focusing on specific offshore industry challenges and cross-cutting technologies. The creation of a collaborative platform has enhanced cross-sectoral and cross-regional cooperation among clusters and SME intermediaries. This initiative will culminate in the direct funding of 82 innovative SME projects, serving as a catalyst to boost our overall innovation performance.

In addition, we have created an open environment that encourages cross-sectoral collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and have facilitated business support services. Large-scale Demonstrators' implementation has further stimulated innovation and encurraged development of regional smart specialization strategies.

As we enter the 18th month of the project, 28 SME projects have been successfully funded in the first Phase of Call#1. These projects are now progressing into the prototyping stage in Phase 2. Concurrently, Call#2 has been launched and have at the end of month 18 received very good response, we are optimistic to reach our goals.

As we move into the next phase of the project, we anticipate our continued support for SMEs, fostering of cross-sectoral collaboration, and dissemination of strategies and methodologies will stimulate the creation of new globally competitive industrial value chains. The successful realization of the GreenOffshoreTech project objectives will significantly contribute to sustainable industrial development across Europe.
Two competitive Calls for Proposals complement a comprehensive Business Support Program, encompassing a Business & Tech Academy, matchmaking events, personalized mentoring, access to finance, and more. We've allocated €3,000,000 for innovation vouchers, with a €60,000 cap per project. Currently, we're in Phase 2 of the first call, while the second call opened 10 of January 2023 and runs until March 24, 2023.

The project's trajectory is promising. We're fostering new industrial value chains and fortifying SMEs' financial access. Our project aims to establish novel cross-sectoral value chains and restructure existing ones.

Our Cluster Collaboration Platform connects SMEs to potential partners in emerging industries. By complementing support for SME innovation, we're stimulating sustainable economic growth and attracting additional investments.

GreenOffshoreTech also promotes Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) and modern cluster policies. We've tied clusters and SME intermediaries to RIS3, furthering connections with Thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms. Subsequently, Norway's Viken region will implement its Smart Specialisation Strategy in Q4 2023.

The project is still evolving, and while significant progress is made, we're confident of more substantial advancements in the Green Offshore sector.
GreenOffshoreTech's initial project development phases show promising progress towards the outlined targets. The program is taking strides to strengthen industrial leadership, stimulate new value chains, leverage funding support, and boost innovation performance, amongst other objectives.

Currently, several SMEs have been supported, key enabling technologies are being deployed, new cross-sectoral value chains are starting to form, and we're starting to see the inception of new jobs across the EU. We have also stimulated the creation of new globally competitive industrial value chains and fostered the implementation of regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3).

However, we must note that this is a progressive journey. While early indicators are optimistic, we caution against drawing conclusive insights at this stage. With the project being multi-faceted and operating in a dynamic environment, reaching our final goals will require continued effort, adaptations, and careful monitoring of key performance indicators.

In summary, the project is well underway with many of its initial targets and the potential for significant socio-economic impacts. However, it's still early days, and it will take time before we can definitively measure and realize the full potential of our efforts.
GreenOffshoreTEch Logo
The four industry sectors