CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WBC-RRI.NET (Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-09-01 bis 2024-02-29

The main issue being addressed by the WBC-RRI.NET project is to improve the status of the field of responsible research and innovation in 5 Western Balkan (WB) territories. The WB implementing partners represent CO PLAN Institute for Habitat Development and Ministry of Tourism and Environment (Kune-Vain-Tale Lagoon wetland ecosystem/ Northern Part of the Albanian Coast), University of Banja Luka and RTD Health Cluster (Republic of Srpska - Bosnia and Herzegovina), Science Technology Park and the NGO ‘ZONA-Knowledge, Education and Science’ (Montenegro), Association National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Skopje- North Macedonia), University of Novi Sad and Vojvodina ICT Cluster (Vojvodina, Serbia). RRI experienced partners (South-East European Research Centre, Greece; European Science Foundation, France; Centre for Social Innovation, Austria) bring a specific R&I and (territorial) RRI expertise.
For mobilizing the RRI-driven dialogue within the WB territories, 3 cross-territory working groups (WGs) have been established. The work within the WGs is focused on different RRI pillars at a time with governance as a horizontal aspect. The three working groups (WG) implemented their action plans succeeding in mapping the state of the art in ethics-related issues in the WB region, promoting and exchanging information on Gender Equality Plans (GEP), raising awareness on gender equality issues in research, e.g. by implementing a series of podcasts (WG1). WG2 supported STEM education by raising awareness and increase popularity of science among students, citizens and the general public through the model of the ‘Engineering Creativity Centre’, by promoting skills for proper science communication and research purposes at Researchers Night events. Promoting public engagement through ad-hoc policy briefs, questionnaires and dedicated sessions at conferences. WG3 facilitated access to trusted open science repositories to increase their usage through a report on existing OS resources and presentations at major events in the region while also promoting the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and networking with other major networks and stakeholders.

The objectives of the WBC-RRI.NET project are as follows:
- To enhance local/regional R&I ecosystems’ capacity to tackle contemporary societal challenges and territorial research priorities
- To assist local R&I organizations to adopt RRI principles for effectively addressing the challenges that scientists and researchers face today
- To contribute to the enhancement of Smart Specialization Strategies in the WB
- To apply a ‘smart directionality’ policy approach
- To promote a multilevel, steering R&I governance framework in the WBs.
In five territories covered by WBC-RRI.NET project, the following results have been achieved:
- 5 planned activities were successfully implemented in the Kune-Vain-Tale ecosystem in Albania. 110 persons engaged in Total Economic Value survey. 150 tourists engaged in tourism / recreational survey. 6 governance actors engaged in tacit scientific research. 35+ students engaged in citizen science actions.
- 5 planned activities were successfully implemented in Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Video on academic integrity was created and presented. Handbook for STE(A)M educators on embedding RRI in teaching process was created and distributed to teachers and schools. The Ideathon was organized to engage secondary school students in upgrading their knowledge on RRI principles. Several separated UNIBL databases were integrated in functional open repository.
- 3 planned activities were successfully implemented in Montenegro. Workshops on co-design of activities for Ulcinj saltworks, Open Dialogue and Mutual Learning, along with a Regional Best Practices Workshop were organized. On-site training session for students regarding citizen science and RRI principles was held. Study visit including meetings with representatives of future managing body and regional experts were realized. Policy brief with recommendations for institutional changes that could improve valorization of Ulcinj Saltworks was created.
- 7 planned activities were successfully implemented in Skopje region, North Macedonia. 250+ STEM students were engaged in a project assignment on finding an innovative solution that helps in increasing the quality life. The event “Women as a driver towards a green sustainable economy”, was organized, engaging 6 successful women to share their experience to more than 70 students.
- 12 planned activities were successfully implemented in region of Vojvodina, Serbia. RRI principles were integrated in Development Plan for Vojvodina up to 2030. Institutional open repository was improved. Citizen science projects were promoted. Successful women were promoted as well as IT retraining courses for women were organized.

In addition, the main results of the project in terms of strengthening the R&I ecosystem are:
- Network of territorial RRI Quadruple Helix Stakeholders in the WBCs was maintained
- Five open dialogue events were organized
- Policy recommendations addressing various aspects of RRI were created
- The regional Association for Responsible Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (WBRRI) was established
- Database of sister projects was created (25 completed and 45 ongoing).
- Two Mutual Learning events (on-line) were organised
- 2 evaluation workshops as well as 1 Impact Pathway and Sustainability workshop were organized
- No. of posts published on WBC-RRI.NET’s official social media channels during RP2 is more than 1410. 35 e-newsletters and 27 press releases were created. Collaboration with the Western Balkans Info Hub was established creating additional 2 newsletters devoted to WBC-RRI.NET project reaching more than 11000 recipients.
- 3 public dissemination events and 5 Open dialogue events were organized. 12 workshops were organized, 21 external events attended.
We organized 5 Open dialogue events, which served as mutual learning activities that enabled active dialogue between the project partners with quadruple helix stakeholders. The project partners organized 12 workshops, and participated in 21 external events, including workshops, trainings, conferences, forums, fairs and webinars. Additionally, 6 peer-reviewed papers in the scope of WBC-RRI.NET project were published in 2022 and 2023 – “Professors’ identity and interaction in a culturally diverse higher education environment”, “The role of higher education attributes in students’ brain drain intentions. The case of a Western Balkan country”, “Open Science Practice in Western Balkan Countries”, “Universities’ and Academics’ Resources Shaping Satisfaction and Engagement: An Empirical Investigation of the Higher Education System”, “Should I Leave My Country? Higher Education Value Shaping Students’ Satisfaction and Brain Drain Intentions in Western Balkans” and “Exploring the Potential of a Regional CoVE in Green Innovation: Insights from Skopje Region”.
The long-lasting openness of R&I systems and actors’ engagement is ensured through the creation of an RRI network/association – WBRRI - Furthermore, the various policy recommendations and briefs were developed and disseminated, encouraging sustainable transformations of the organisations involved in the project.
Good practices
Students contest
Final project conference