CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

advanced Muon Campus in US and Europe contribution


Zusammenarbeit europäischer und amerikanischer Forschender führt zu neuer Physik in der Myonenforschung

Forschungskooperationen sind für wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen und translationale Forschungsbemühungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt aMUSE möchte die internationale und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forschenden aus der Europäischen Union und den Vereinigten Staaten fördern, damit eine neue Physik in der Myonenforschung gefunden und eine neue Generation von Myonenbeschleunigern entwickelt werden kann. Das Projekt, welches zwei Fermilab Muon Campus-Experimente umfasst – Myon (g-2) und Mu2e – schlägt ein Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramm für innovative Detektoren für das Mu2e-Upgrade sowie den Entwurf einer neuen Strahlführung für die Suche nach geladenen Lepton-Flavour-Verletzungen vor. Aus der Projektarbeit wird ein transkontinentales Netzwerk hervorgehen, das sich mit der Entwicklung von Myonenstrahlen für Energiegrenzen befasst.


aMUSE plans to strengthen and extend the collaboration between EU and US researchers to carry out cutting-edge searches for New Physics (NP) in the muon sector, while promoting the development of next generation muon accelerators. The project finds its roots in the previous MUSE network based at the Muon Campus of FNAL, USA. Here, the Muon (g-2) experiment aims to solve the long-standing muon anomaly puzzle and related NP implications collecting a twenty-fold increase in statistics compared to its predecessor. A high-profile discovery path for the search of charged Lepton Flavour Violation (cLFV) will be exploited by the Mu2e experiment, whose goal is to improve the discover sensitivity for the as yet unseen muon-to-electron conversion by four orders of magnitude, reaching mass scales of 10^4 TeV/c^2. aMUSE promotes an ambitious extension of the Muon Campus activities. Its R&D programs will exploit the future phase of Mu2e-II with an upgraded proton beam providing a ten-fold increase in muon yield. aMUSE aims to design and develop state-of-the-art detectors to face this challenge. At this high intensity frontier, aMUSE will explore the design of a beam line extension to seed the birth of new generation experiments searching for cLFV muon decays as a possible alternate running to Mu2e-II. Its final goal is to vastly improve sensitivity with respect to currently existing or proposed facilities and promote the integration of EU groups in developing accelerator and detector strategies. aMUSE further provides an excellent platform for an ambitious EU-US network to advance the development of muon beams. Low and high energy research is synergistic: muon cooling is fundamental to both high-energy muon collisions and low-energy high-intensity muon beams. The US longstanding competences in the study of muon beam technologies will be integrated with the experience of EU researchers, creating a unique opportunity for the advancement of a challenging and promising project.


€ 832 600,00
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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Research Organisations
€ 832 600,00

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