CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Printed temperature sensitive labels for products in cold chain

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - T-Sense Cold (Printed temperature sensitive labels for products in cold chain)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-02-01 bis 2023-11-30

Measuring the temperature of items is a difficult task in itself, but becomes very important when these items are transported from one temperature-controlled space to another. This is the case with goods within a cold chain, where most temperature errors occur.
MyCol develops temperature-sensitive inks and uses them to print smart labels. The ink contains thermochromic material that permanently colors at a certain temperature, called the activation temperature. Such a label gives a visual indication that the object has been heated beyond the controlled (activation) temperature, making temperature excursions of goods in the cold chain clearly visible.
Temperature is thoroughly controlled in the cold chain rooms, but the individual packages remain unattended which is a potential problem in case of breaks in the chain. Not only a complex and long food supply chain needs such support, but also the local supply chain used by small food producers in rural areas.
Packaging is a good place for smart labels. MyCol's temperature-sensitive labels can be recycled along with the packaging and have no impact on the environment. No power supply or network is required. The visual reading of information is a simple tool that helps people and society. When there are no breaks in the cold chain, there are no colored labels on the packages, which proves the quality and strength of the chain through better and easier control. More attention is paid to breaks in the cold chain, which increases the responsibility of logistics and improves the quality and safety of temperature-sensitive goods. This benefits food producers, logistics, retailers and consumers. The significance lies in the fact that there is virtually no additional environmental impact, which, together with the positive impact on food safety, is a decisive factor in the importance of the invention for society.
COVID -19 Pandemic causes many changes. We take these changes into account by adding UN SDG 3 (Good health and well-being) to the project objectives. For UN SDG 3, the protection of vaccines stored in the deep freeze, i.e. at -70°C, has been included as a fifth thermal target. But difficulties in the supply chain and prolonged testing of the materials, some of the results had to be postponed.
WP1 - Product final development includes intense laboratory work.
T1.1. Synthesis of the active material includes analyses of potentially suitable substances, basic synthesis with controls, and compatibility tests. The best components of the active material were identified and tested.
T1.2. Preparation and testing of the new ink includes selection of (a) active materials, (b) materials for microencapsulation, and (c) binder system. Materials (b) and (c) must be compatible with colouration at the controlled value. The manufacturing for (a), (b) and (c) have been defined. The microbiological stability of the substances has been tested. The methodology and inputs for the LCA analysis was defined.
T1.3. Indicator labels are printed on professional printing presses. A typical example of the new inks was produced with upscaling. The tests required on the printing line were carried out.
WP4 – Pre-commercialization and IPR. The possibilities were rather limited by the COVID19 restrictions, but some results were achieved as a basis for successful continuation.
T4.1. Business development activities. The team worked on market exploration, identifying potential buyers and their needs/expectations, and potential strategic partners for commercialisation. The first steps were carried out with the EIC coach Mr Cillo. Later, more detailed market research was made. Important and promising negotiations were started with a major manufacturer of innovative packaging for overseas transport of large fish.
T4.3. IPR protection. The strategy for IPR was prepared. An extended patent search is underway to define the strategy.
T4.4. Communication of project activities was provided at two events and online. Event in Slovenia brought together stakeholders from industry, academia, brand owners. Event in Malmo bring together cutting-edge research and early-stage technologies with stakeholders from industry and investment.
We are proud of the WIPO Medal for Inventors awarded to Dr Marta Klanjšek Gunde, co-founder and CEO of MyCol d.o.o. and coordinator.
WP5. Project management and coordination
T5.1. Management of the work flow. Work on the project began by assembling a team of experts in the field of advanced materials and business development. The company currently employs 5 full-time staff and 3 part-time staff for this contract.
The overall situation and expansion of the project objectives were the reason for the postponement of 5 deliverables in WP1 and WP2, which have already been agreed upon at PO.
Pre-commercialization activities in RP1 were mostly implemented online. We expect that the situation will allow in the next 12 months to achieve the objectives set out in the Grant Agreement.
T5.2. Administrative and financial management
Coordination team is very well organized. Total amount spent in the RP1 is 463.004,31 EUR, which is 76.40% of the advanced payment received. We had an internal control to check the eligibility of the costs. The feedback was positive, minimum comments related to the securing documentation for full audit trail are already resolved.
The proposal was written using a prototype ink designed to control heating above 8.5±1°C with contact activation.General assumptions were made about how to change the activation temperature. The possibility of contactless activation was only known theoretically.
Challenge (C) 1: Irreversible temperature-sensitive Ink and activation temperature (TA)
a) State of the art at starting the T-Sense Cold project: Prototype ink: TA = 8.5±1°C; blue coloration
b) Current progress beyond (RP1): 8 inks formulated; 4 target temperature ranges covered; Different color shades
c) Plans for the RP2: Find a good solution for deep-frozen regime; Full optimization of the inks for all regions
C2: Sustainability of the used substances
a) The constraints are approximately known and respected; Legislations and recommendations are known.
b) All substances used are thoroughly tested according to safety and sustainability; The strategy for LCA is prepared.
c) Finish the LCA for a typical temperature indicator on food packaging.
C3: Printability of the ink
a) only very basic laboratory tests were made.
b) The inks are thoroughly tested: thermal, optical, colorimetric, viscosity, SEM, solid content, antimicrobial stability of components
c) Prepare protocols for testing each new ink to be suitable for printing large series; Increase pot life of the inks using antimicrobial data
C4: Cooling possibility
a) Cooling down to 2°C were possible in good room conditions
b) Down to -100°C possible at every room condition; custom-made computer-controlled cooling/heating equipment.
c) Increase user-friendly measuring conditions.
C5: Colour measurements
a) Contact measurement only
b) Non-contact measurements; custom made light source without excess heating
c) automate the measuring processes
C6: Protective environment
a) no protection against humidity and ice; measuring in warm periods was not possible
b) Measurement site is fully protected against ambient light, humidity and formation of ice
c) connection of the measurement with laboratory work (smart laboratory)
Process of developing the T-Sense labels