CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Unique smart waste management solution delivering 60% reduction on CO2 emissions caused by the waste collection process


Umstellung der Abfallwirtschaft durch intelligente Technologien

Die immense Abfallproduktion und der nicht nachhaltige Umgang damit tragen wesentlich zum Klimawandel bei und wirken sich enorm auf die natürliche Umwelt, die öffentliche Gesundheit und den Wandel zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft aus. Deshalb wächst der Bedarf an innovativen Instrumenten für die Abfallwirtschaft. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SENS wird eine intelligente Lösung für die Abfallwirtschaft von Unternehmen einführen – für einen effizienten Abfallkreislauf und eine Verbesserung der Umwelt sowie des Wohlbefindens der Menschen. Durch die dynamische Abfallsammlung will das Projekt die Gesamtkosten der Abfallsammlung sowie die Kohlenstoffemissionen stark senken. Das Projekt führt Lösungen zur einfachen Umsetzung automatisierter am Verursacherprinzip orientierter Modelle auf dem europäischen Markt ein. Damit soll der endgültige Nachweis der Vorteile intelligenter Technologien für die Abfallwirtschaft für die Wirtschaft, Betriebe und die Umwelt geliefert werden.


The global waste production is estimated to be around 2.01bn tonnes of solid waste per year. This is expected to rise by almost 70% to 3.4 tonnes in 2050. As a result, the global smart management market is expected to grow to €2.8 bn by 2023, with CARG of around 17% in this period. Sensoneo responds to these trends by providing a smart enterprise-grade waste management solution for cities and businesses to cost-efficiently manage the waste lifecycle and improve the environment and well-being of people. Through its smart waste management technology, Sensoneo is redefining waste management. Sensoneo combines unique ultrasonic Smart Sensors that monitor waste in real-time using IoT or GSM with sophisticated software providing cities and businesses with data-driven decision making, and optimization of waste collection routes, frequencies and vehicle loads, resulting in overall waste collection cost reduction by at least 30% and carbon emission reduction up to 60% in cities. In this project, Sensoneo plans to tag all 110,000 bins in one EU capital and demonstrate its capability to provide full coverage and transparency, enabling waste management companies to monitor the waste production of individual households. Sensoneo would be the first market player in the world to unlock the pay-as-you-waste business model. Sensoneo also wants to finalize a prototype of its sensor with radar technology that can detect contamination of different types of waste, particularly with a focus on biowaste. Sensoneo would be the first solution to enable such detection, helping reduce harmful methane emissions. To achieve these goals, Sensoneo aims to conduct large scale piloting of its solution with two EU capitals – these references and overall proof of savings for the cities will help Sensoneo convince other cities to adopt its smart waste management solutions. Currently, cities are reluctant to invest in new technologies due to uncertain ROI and investment required for the transition.

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