CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Providing digitalised prevention and prediction support for ageing people in smart living environments


Intelligente Lösungen für ältere, zu Hause lebende Menschen

Annähernd 14 % der EU-Bevölkerung sind 65 Jahre und älter. Schätzungen zufolge wird sich diese Zahl bis 2050 sogar noch verdoppelt haben. Gesundheitsversorgung und Sozialwesen stehen angesichts der wachsenden und alternden Bevölkerung zweifellos vor einer Herausforderung. Darum hat eine Verbesserung der Lebensqualität der immer älter werdenden europäischen Bevölkerung hohe Priorität. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt SMILE eHealth-Lösungen entwickeln, die die Älteren beim Leben zu Hause unterstützen. Dazu wird herausgearbeitet, was die Personen zu Hause benötigen, und in Zusammenarbeit mit ihnen an digitalen Lösungen gefeilt. Das übergeordnete Ziel des Projekts liegt in der Entwicklung von intelligenten Wohnumgebungen, die vor allem bei älteren Leuten in entlegenen Regionen die Zahl der Krankenhauseinweisungen senken.


Drawing on practical situations that older people face in daily living, SMILE will create SMart Inclusive Living Environments (SLE) with novel eHealth solutions enabling ageing in place. There are 6 main objectives:
1. Identify the needs and preferences of older people while living in their home environments.
2. Undertake co-creation of easy to use digital solutions with older people and novel methods to involve people with dementia.
3. Develop a smart AI-based system (Digital Care Facilitator and Conversational Agent) to proactively support older people in daily living.
4. To provide acceptable digital solutions when these solutions are introduced into older peoples lives
5. Evaluate the SMILE package to assess replicability and scalability in enhancing living spaces supporting independent, active and socially inclusive living for older people.
6. Build Europe-Canada cooperation in replicating, scaling and extending the results of SMILE to benefit the very heterogeneous populations of older people in our societies.
These objectives will be achieved by 3 workstreams based on trans disciplinary research: co-creative design and evaluation; digital care facilitator and conversational agent; SMILE SLE ecosystem and digital solutions. Our targeted breakthroughs for smart living environments supporting independent and active living are: a participatory SLE ecosystem model; the ‘Digital Care Facilitator’, an AI-based system [TRL6]; a conversational agent as an everyday intermediary enhancing social participation [TRL6]; personal mHealth apps, and eHealth monitors and devices [TRL5-8]. We will demonstrate that SMILE works for a very heterogeneous group with different needs and preferences: older people with severe dementia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and care transitions during post-surgery recovery. With this combined package and related service improvements SMILE will go beyond state of the art in ways that are sustainable, scalable and exploitable.

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