Risultati finali
A populated database of hubs, founders and complementary businesses by sector/speciality, including 20 published example business models of hardware DIHs and ventures (based on about 50 canvases)
Skills - Mutual Recognition StandardData standard for DIH users’ skills (taken from TRL2 to TRL7) published with promotional material for adoption (in collaboration with WP5).
This deliverable includes mAkE guidelines for open sharing and knowledge commoning and describes how all partners can embed the mAkE outputs into their portfolios A first draft M3 will be iteratively improved based on experience gained during the first year of the project
Project handbookThis deliverable describes internal quality assurance and communication procedures
Guidelines for capacity building tools for social innovationA set of design guidelines templates and howtos made available to the project and stakeholders for best practices for designing project outputs and selflearning tools
Report on National and Regional Hub Association including 7 documented Case studies and comparative analysesThe seven selected case studies will be documented and visualized in a shareable format and will form a contribution to learning materials in WP3
Impact Assessment PlanThis report describes the evaluation and impact assessment framework as well as the foreseen methods to assess the various project aspects It will also include a set of potential impact indicators and report on first formative evaluation results
Communication, Dissemination and Outreach planThe CDO plan will analyse mAkE stakeholders outline relevant communication channels and plan related project activities
Community Activation & Engagement StrategyThis deliverable describes the activities planned for sustainable community and stakeholder engagement including online and offline activities ethical community management guidelines and a mAkE Code of Conduct CoC A first draft M3 will be iteratively improved based on experience gained during the first year of the project
A clear and recognisable visual identity for the project alongside a project website as a hub for the communication actions and dissemination of results Establishment of social media and online accounts as identified in D51
The data management plan will be aligned with RRI guidelines
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