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EPICUR Research Agenda - Shaping European Society in Transition


Innovative Wege zur Bewältigung der EPIChallenges

Die europäische Hochschulallianz EPICUR wird die europäische Gesellschaft im Wandel durch die Entwicklung gemeinsamer inter- und transdisziplinärer Lehr- und Lernformate gestalten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EPICUR-Research erweitert die Interessengebiete der Allianz auf Forschung, Innovation und Interaktion mit der Gesellschaft. Es entwickelt eine gemeinsame Forschungsagenda, um drängende Forschungsfragen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Mobilität, Migration, Identität sowie den Wandel des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens – zusammenfassend als EPIChallenges bezeichnet – anzugehen. Das Projekt richtet sich vor allem an Nachwuchsforschende und lädt sie ein, die neue Online-EPICommunity mitzugestalten, die Instrumente zur besseren Sichtbarmachung wissenschaftlicher Leistungen bieten wird. Das Projekt soll sie dazu anregen, interdisziplinäre thematische EPIClusters zu gründen und diesen beizutreten. Ziel ist die gemeinsame Bewältigung der EPIChallenges mit außeruniversitären Partnern, um eine transdisziplinäre Perspektive für die Forschungsaktivitäten zu gewährleisten.


EPICUR, the European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions, is a first-generation European University Alliance, dedicated to shaping European Society in Transition through the development of collaborative inter- and transdisciplinary teaching and learning. Now that the alliance seeks funding to establish its complementary research agenda, EPICUR expands its breadth to include research, innovation and interaction with society, and will be addressing all four corners of the European knowledge square. EPICUR is convinced that future EPICUR research can make a difference in the following ways:

As our alliance believes that international collaboration fosters scientific and societal progress, EPICUR will develop a joint research agenda and deploy an inter- and transdisciplinary approach to tackle pressing research questions, which we call EPIChallenges (WP1).

EPICUR identified early career researchers as the primary target group to experiment with new formats for virtual networking and shaping their academic careers. They will be invited to co-create the EPICommunity, a new social media network based on an attractive gamification design. This network offers new tools that will help raise the visibility of scientific achievements and skill sets, as well as facilitating blended mobility (WP2).

EPICUR researchers will be encouraged to team-up in EPIClusters, experimental open research formats to tackle EPIChallenges together with partners from sectors outside academia and to pilot the sharing of the consortium's cutting-edge research infrastructures (WP3).

As proud member of the first cohort of European Universities alliances, EPICUR will build intelligent connections to our peer alliances in EPIConnect, to facilitate the preparation of joint policy recommendations for shaping the Universities of the Future.

As a result, EPICUR will contribute to the further shaping the European Universities - be EPIcurious!



€ 340 310,70
76131 Karlsruhe

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Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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