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EUTOPIA - Transformation of Research and Innovation

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EUTOPIA-TRAIN (EUTOPIA - Transformation of Research and Innovation)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-07-01 al 2023-12-31

EUTOPIA TRAIN was a research initiative launched by the EUTOPIA alliance, a network of six universities (University of Gothenburg, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CY Cergy Paris Université, Univerza v Ljubljani, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and University of Warwick). TRAIN has aimed to build up the EUTOPIA research & innovation capacity with both administrative and technical resources, to disseminate, and to contribute to the development of EU R&I performance and European policies. The project had three cross-cutting objectives:

- Defining a shared R&I Policy.
- Developing R&I Synergies and Delivering a joint Research and Innovation Strategy
- Mutualizing Resources and Tools

TRAIN addressed the following seven transformation modules: Development of a common research and innovation agenda; Strengthening human capital; Sharing research infrastructures; Engaging non-academic actors; Mainstream Open Science; Engaging citizens and society; and Exploring joint university structures. To tackle these challenges, the project was structured into six work packages. WP 1 developed a common research and innovation agenda and worked with sharing research infrastructure. WP2 engaged non-academic actors, WP3 mainstreamed open science and engaged citizens and society, while WP 4 strengthened human capital. Finally, WP 5 explored joint university structures.

The five key results of TRAIN are: 1) a strategy for EUTOPIA R&I agenda and sharing knowledge with stakeholders; 2) a cross-institution innovation strategy that supports engagement with business; 3) mainstreaming Open Science and engaging with citizens and Society; 4) a joint Human Resources strategy with a focus on skill development and mobility of researchers; and 5) increased and enhanced R&I collaboration thanks to joint EUTOPIA grants, legal and innovation office (GLENN).
The following activities were piloted during the project's three-year period, all aiming to support research and innovation.

- a network of vice-rectors of research was initiated, to discuss and anchor the vision and aims of a joint research and innovation agenda

- a network of GLENN Officers was formed – sharing best practices for research and innovation support, creating joint training and seminars for researchers to for example increase their R&I project applications skills and knowledge.

- a Citizen Science starter kit was created – to support and train researchers in Citizen Science

- Young Leaders Academy was formed– a 2-year programme for promising research leaders providing them with leadership skills, network, and training activities.

- Tools to connect researchers and supervisors were developed, including a partnering tool for MSCA projects and a Research & Innovation Atlas

- the EUTOPIA Open Access Metadata Portal was launched – to ensure that the alliance has a joint tool to make research outputs discoverable, and that research output metadata is interoperable with alliance and other information systems.

- a Report was produced on existing research infrastructure inventory and best practices.

- The Complete Academic Environment was created, recognizing the interconnectivity between research, innovation, and education agendas, which has been a central part of the design and delivery of this project.

Furthermore, research and Innovation strategies were mapped to include information about research strength areas. EUTOPIA’s existent core and unique Research Infrastructure and identified legal, regulatory, and operational challenges in sharing Research Infrastructure. Best practices of mainstreaming entrepreneurialism have been shared, developed and piloted in order to identify, commercialize and strengthen university business collaboration. Open Science & Citizen Science education and support has been further developed through the development of a Framework Policy for Research Assessment and the launch of the EUTOPIA Open Research Portal. A Human Resource strategy to support the emergence of a challenge-driven knowledge-creation community across the EUTOPIA Alliance has been developed. Best-practices and common challenges of the R&I support services have been mapped in several focus group discussions aimed at designing better services to researchers. ERC training programme at EUTOPIA level for excellent researchers has been issued, as well as common tools (MSCA partnering tool, R&I Online atlas and R&I Info Desk) to mutualize efforts and facilitate synergies among the research community at the EUTOPIA alliance level. A networking forum event has served to test the support services and encourage collaboration in key priority areas.
The collective efforts of the alliance to address pressing global challenges by fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement will have the following impact:

1. Developing and Strengthening Collaboration: By promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration across disciplines and institutions, the alliance can foster a culture of cross-pollination and encourage breakthrough discoveries and advancements. This collaboration can lead to accelerated progress in solving complex problems related to health, environment, social justice, and cultural preservation.
2. Enhanced Societal Impact: With a focus on prioritized focus areas, the alliance can align its research and innovation efforts to address critical societal needs. By concentrating resources, expertise, and funding on these areas, the alliance can generate tangible outcomes and solutions that make a real difference in people's lives. This could involve developing innovative healthcare solutions, advancing environmentally sustainable practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, and strengthening democratic processes.
3. Supporting Early Career Researchers: By prioritizing the support, development, and inclusion of early career researchers, the alliance can nurture the next generation of innovators and thought leaders. Providing them with support and targeted programs can help bridge the gender gap, reduce disparities, and cultivate a diverse and talented pool of researchers committed to addressing societal challenges.
4. Strengthening Research and Innovation Ecosystem: The alliance can leverage its collective resources, shared research infrastructure, and best practices to build a more robust research and innovation ecosystem. By improving support infrastructure, research functions, and access to funding, the alliance can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of research activities, leading to increased productivity, knowledge transfer, and innovation.

Researchers, especially early career researchers, have been the key target group for impact. The Joint Research and Innovation Strategy focuses on early career researchers, with activities such as the Young Leaders Academy and Science and Innovation Fellowship specifically intended for them. Additionally, the collaboration and capacity building proposed in the Joint Strategy and Complete Academic Environments are expected to lead to transformation within the ten EUTOPIA member universities and their administrative staff.