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Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
Action plan for EDUC events to raise awareness for science among the citizens
D4.2 Report on the outcomes of the entrepreneurship courses and related workshopsD4.4 Report on the outcomes of the entrepreneurship courses and related workshops
"D6.1: Report on the needs in soft skills training based on the survey ""EDUC researchers & staff and their soft skills"" and on the inventory of existing training programmes"Report on the needs in soft skills training based on the survey EDUC researchers staff and their soft skills and on the inventory of existing training programmes M18
D5.1 Report on the methodologies implemented for the labeling processD51 Report on the methodologies implemented for the labeling process
D5.3 Roadmap for the creation of a network of doctoral schools at the EDUC scaleD5.4: Roadmap for the creation of a network of doctoral schools at the EDUC scale (M36)
Policy feedback M37In light of policy feedback from the funded projects to the European Commission, we include a short policy brief as a deliverable at each reporting period.
D 2.2 Report on EDUC activities to unlock mutual access to research infrastructuresReport on EDUC activities to unlock mutual access to research infrastructures
D8.2 PR Materials on 7 EDUC Research TopicsPR Materials on 7 EDUC Research Topics
D4.1 Inventory of TT ecosystemsInventory of TT ecosystems
D1.1 EDUC long-term research AgendaD1.1 EDUC long-term research Agenda M37
D1.3 Report on networking activitiesReport on networking activities
Policy Feedback M18In light of policy feedback from the funded projects to the European Commission we include a short policy brief as a deliverable at each reporting period
D6.2: Roadmap: creating soft skills training programmes that are valorizable for both employees (researchers and staff) and for HR servicesRoadmap: creating soft skills training programmes that are valorizable for both employees (researchers and staff) and for HR services (M36)
D3.2 Report on citizen science strategic conceptReport on citizen science strategic concept
D2.1 Common Open Science Strategy of EDUCCommon Open Science Strategy of EDUC
Common recommendations of EDUC members on ethics and parity/equality principles
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