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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Population Health Information Research Infrastructure

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PHIRI (Population Health Information Research Infrastructure)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-11-01 al 2022-04-30

Health is a cross-border issue, recently demonstrated by the COVID-19 public health crisis. A structured European mechanism for COVID-19 exchange to organize and share information between countries is urgently needed, especially in the area of population health. PHIRI is a research infrastructure aiming to facilitate and support open, interconnected, and data-driven research through the sharing of cross-country population health information and exchange of best practices related to identification of data sources, access, risk setting and outcomes following ELSI and FAIR principles.

PHIRI has the following objectives:
1. Provide a Health Information Portal with FAIR catalogues on health and healthcare data for structured information exchange across European countries. PHIRI provides the services and tools necessary for researchers to link different data sources and to use pan-European data in a GDPR compliant, federated way
2. Provide structured exchange between countries on COVID-19 best practices and expertise. PHIRI shares public health and clinical management information and methodologies identified and allows researchers and policy-makers to provide relevant and evidence based information ready for use in research and decision-making processes.
3. Promote interoperability and tackle health information inequalities by providing capacity building and training
PHIRI has launched its Health Information Portal in May 2021: a one-stop-shop facilitating access to population health and heath care data, information and expertise across Europe. For the first time, catalogues of population health information (HI) sources from national/international organizations (230+), HI projects within countries and across Europe (150+), training materials (75+), and research networks (11) are findable through 1 single Portal.
PHIRI maintains a strong network of National Nodes (27 and growing): an organizational entity, often linked to a national institution or governmental unit that functions as a national liaison and brings together relevant national stakeholders in the country in a systematic way.
PHIRI adopts a federated architecture, that is piloted by 4 research use cases of immediate relevance on COVID-19 impacts (on vulnerable populations, on perinatal health, on mental health and delayed cancer care). In 20+ datahubs, data was mobilized and analyzed in a distributed manner.
PHIRI develops a consolidated framework to assess the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19 on population wellbeing, morbidity and mortality. Over 10.000 abstracts are scanned and indicators extracted.
PHIRI’s Rapid Exchange Forum offers a structured and highly needed platform for regular quick exchange between countries, policy advisors, commission services and researchers in the joint efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. 30+ bi-weekly meetings have been organized and 80+ urgent research and policy questions answered.
PHIRI supports European countries in developing future scenarios to gain insights in possible future health impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak modelling scenarios for national situations. After an advanced course, 8 countries have started their own foresight study, supported by PHIRI.
PHIRI reaches out to the diverse players in the health data field, by organizing several inclusive and targeted stakeholder meetings, discussions, dialogues.
PHIRI maps the HI systems in European countries that monitor the effects of COVID-19 on population health through virtual country visits. The assessments are performed in Austria, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal by the end of 2022.
PHIRI organizes activities to discover experiences, lessons learned and good practices regarding the management of the COVID-19 infodemic.
PHIRI organizes trainings and workshops to strengthen the public health information workforce in Europe and to overcome health information inequalities.
PHIRI has established an External Scientific Advisory Board: a cross-domain group of independent scientific experts provides advice on several issues (quality of deliverables, ethical issues, general philosophy and direction of the project, corrective measures etc.)
PHIRI is part of the PREparedness and resPonse for emergency situAtions in euRopE (PREPARE) cluster together with 12 other H2020 funded projects. Each of the projects (combined funding of €72m) is tackling challenges specifically looking at the preparedness and response phases of crisis management.
PHIRI is actively involved in the discussions on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) to promote better exchange and access to different types of health data for health research and health policy making purposes (secondary use of data). Furthermore, PHIRI is one of the early adopters that will test the technical services provided by the EGI-ACE-project which main goal is to implement the compute platform of the European Open Science Cloud.
The Coordination Team (WP1) will continue to ensure the smooth running of the project covering administrative and financial aspects of the project.
The Communication Team (WP2) will strengthen dissemination and engagement with key stakeholders in order to amplify the reach and impact of the PHIRI-outputs. Attention will also be continuously paid to infodemic management, ranging from organising workshops to investing time in disseminating high quality messages on social media and other key communication channels.
The Outreach and Sustainability Team (WP3) will continue the COVID-19 Health Information System Assessments. PHIRI will be actively investigating routes for sustainability to ensure the work performed within the project will be integrated in a more permanent population health research infrastructure. Finally, PHIRI will foster the integration of the knowledge produced into health policies.
The Health Information Portal Team (WP4) will ensure the enrichment and standardization of the information provided on the Portal to further facilitate the use and access of population health information for researchers and policy makers across Europe.
The Team working on research methodologies to assess the impact of COVID-19 (WP5) will continue the screening of the identified papers for systematic reviews and scientific papers will be produced to contribute to the understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on population wellbeing and health.
The research use cases team and the team working on the development of the PHIRI Research Infrastructure (WP6-7) will publish the use case results, while more PHIRI partners will join with their data to contribute to the findings while building a federated research infrastructure for rapid policy response.
The team working on establishing a sustainable infrastructure to support rapid exchange of information (WP8) will continue the Rapid Exchange Forum to help tackling emerging public health research and policy questions in a fast and effective manner.
The Foresight: Modelling and Scenarios Team (WP9) will host a policy workshop with key experts in the field and policy makers in September 2022 and continue its work by supporting numerous researchers across Europe in performing foresight studies in their own countries.
PHIRI will also actively be involved in the discussion on the emerging EHDS in order to position themselves as Research Infrastructure in the European health data landscape.

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