Periodic Reporting for period 1 - U-ADAPT (Urban Adaptation to Extreme Heat Events)
Berichtszeitraum: 2021-09-01 bis 2023-08-31
1. Conceptualize a theoretical framework of urban adaptation to EHE from a multi-stakeholder perspective. In this first stage, a thorough investigation of the existing literature and document analysis of city plans on HDR reduction to collate key points, identify threads of framework development, reveal which gaps can be meaningfully fulfilled,
and inform interview questions. After a stakeholder analysis to identify potential participants, a group of collaborators was asked about the quality and completedness of the suggested framework. The framework provides the basic concepts and terms to sustain the causal explanations and element connections of HDR and helps organize and structure the research project.
2. Develop a novel composite indicator that allows measuring and comparing urban adaptation to EHE across EU cities and over time. In this stage, a combination of thematic sets of variables was discussed based on the framework. The objective of this phase was to determine the local authorities' leadership and commitment in providing pathways to reduce the hazard and minimize the exposure and the vulnerability. It also serves to establish the benchmark position and evaluate the effect of public policies.
3. Evaluate the performance of the composite indicator and test the level of adaptation of urban areas with different characteristics across the EU. The third phase will entail the identification of 9 cities of varying characteristics: size, hierarchy, climate, or climate change response. To ascertain the implementation of the measures official documents from the city’s administrations were reviewed, including adaptation plans, emergency management plans, extreme heat event protocols and heat-health action plans, building codes, land use plans, air quality and sustenability plans, green infrastructure and biodiversity documents, and urban mobility plans. In addition, whenever available, noise reduction plans and strategic incentive plans were also examined. In order to evaluate the assigned scores and adjust them if necessary, selected cities were visited during the summer of 2023.