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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Urban Adaptation to Extreme Heat Events


Städte widerstandsfähiger gegen extreme Hitze gestalten

Verheerende extreme Hitzeereignisse sind zu einem ernsten Problem für dicht bebaute Gebiete in europäischen Städten geworden. Da die negativen Auswirkungen solcher Hitzeereignisse aufgrund des Klimawandels voraussichtlich weiter zunehmen werden, besteht dringender Bedarf an Anpassungsstrategien. Leider fehlt es in Europa an gemeinsamen Normen für die Überwachung und Berichterstattung über die Anpassungsfähigkeit für eine bessere Umsetzung der notwendigen Maßnahmen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt U-ADAPT schlägt zur Überwindung dieser Herausforderungen einen neuen, dynamischen Messansatz vor, um die Anpassung der städtischen Gebiete in der EU an extreme Hitzeereignisse festzustellen und zu überwachen. Das Projekt wird die Erprobung und Umsetzung des Rahmenwerks und seiner Normen und Strategien zugunsten der Katastrophenvorsorge und der Anpassung an den Klimawandel unterstützen, um die Menschen vor den Auswirkungen extremer Hitze zu schützen.


The U-ADAPT! project proposes a novel approach for the dynamic measuring of urban adaptation to extreme heat. Extreme Heat Events (EHE) are the deadliest weather- and climate-related hazard in Europe. In recent years, heat waves have overwhelmed the continent, and projections show an alarming increase in EHE risk driven by natural and socioeconomic factors . Mitigation, adaptation, and transformative strategies need immediate implementation, but the rate of adaptation and depth of the transformation are in question.

Reports stress that the progress of adaptation in European cities is patchy, uncoordinated, and of varied quality. Cities are still implementing their first adaptive measures and developing ideas for monitoring and reporting adaptation strategies. However, concrete norms or indicators for adaptation monitoring are scarce. In the research sphere, adaptation has mostly been discussed in terms of adaptive capacity, rather than implementation, which is the focus of this proposal. Despite the efforts, there is still very little consensus as to what constitutes effective and adequate adaptation, and therefore little agreement about models and indicators to measure it.

The scientific aim of U-ADAPT! is to advance and test a theoretical integrated framework to examine the actual implementation of adaptation strategies to the risk of EHE in urban areas of the European Union (EU), in the context of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). The ultimate societal goal is to develop a model to assist cities in their responsibility to provide a safe and sustainable environment. The output of this research will also empower citizens to audit the commitment of their cities to EHE risk reduction and evaluate measures to reduce short- and long-term negative impacts of heat.


€ 160 932,48
41013 Sevilla

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€ 160 932,48