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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Berichtszeitraum: 2021-06-01 bis 2023-05-31

VIBES project is tackling a current and future environmental issue. While thermoset materials are being used in long term applications, nowadays a lot of material is being sorted and there is no circular way to manage this "waste". Therefore, VIBES project is developing solutions that will enable to bring future generations of thermoset towards a circular economy concept while adapting the current chemical structrues used in thermosets to those obtained from sustainable sources. It is by these two paths how VIBES is contributing to a greener and more circular society in the field of thermoset materials.

The VIBES project presents an innovative solution to resolve different end-of-life issues of thermoset composites. It does it by developing new green processes focused on the controlled separation and recovery of composite material by means of synthesizing customised biobased bonding materials (BBM).
BBM are biobased chemical moieties that can change their chemical structure under specific external conditions and/or stimuli, thus allowing the separation between matrix and reinforcement. This favours their efficient processing and recycling through a green washing bath, recovering monomers/oligomers and fibres for their upcycling into new products. VIBES is studying and will combine three different chemical approaches to obtain BBM: vitrimers, Diels-Alder, and supramolecular architectures.

Keeping in mind the idea of the project as a whole, VIBES has also established specific objectives, related with each of the differnt developments
- Design and development of at least three 100% biobased bonding materials (BBM) for thermoset composites (one per resin type) with tailored debonding functionalities
- Design, develop (…) and validate VIBES composite materials with intrinsic recycling properties for 3 high demanding industrial sectors: aeronautical, construction and naval
- Design and implementation of VIBES green recycling technology to separate and valorise the composite components.
Beisdes, the technological objectives settled up by the project VIBES also have set up goals in the field of sustanailability, standardization, regulations and communication
Activities have been focussed on the development of the WP1 and 2.
WP1 has been focused on the final development of different BBM structures for the resins defined within the project. Partners developed different moieties from each of the different strategies set within the WP and also started to look for different moieties that could combine several approaches within a single molecule. Chemical and methodlogical approximations were done. The idea of these synergies has been to gather the benefits of each strategy in a single composite material and therefore enable to produce a strong composite with the capacity to be recycled.
All the work and selection of synergies and strategies developed has been done under the definition of requirements and evaluation of the whole consortium and more specifically under the view of the industrial partners. Out of the three different strategies developed in the project (vitrimers, Diels-Alder and supramolecular architectures), it has been the vitrimer approximation that has achieved all the different requirements defined at the beginning of the project so it has been the one chosen to be up-scaled. It is important to remark that also in these 2 year of the project, partners involved in more transversal activities such as LCA, LCC have been working on the impact that such moieties will have in order to help taking a decision towards one moiety or another. Currently WP1 has already finished its activities. Next step is the upscaling and production of the finally chosen BBM. It is important to remark that WP1 as one of the main technical WPs of the VIBES project it is now boosting its connection with WP6 for the communication of the results to the scientific community by the preparation of scientific papers and conferences as well as with the participation and organization of different events with stakeholders.
In the case of WP2, and the activities framed within the umbrella of WP2 significant advances have been taken place during the second period of the project. Different resins have been developed, making possible to meet the requirements set by the industrial partners at the beginning of the project. In this sense, it was decided to focus the efforts in three different epoxy resins as they fulfil all the criteria. By month 24 it has been possible to developed new biobased epoxy resins, that together with the preparation of the Biobased CF (which has also had a good development: it is already possible to count with small fabrics of lignin based carbon fibre), treatments and sizings developed in the WP are going to make possible the preparataion of a fully biobased composite compatible with the BBMs generated in WP1. Trials to incorporate the BBMs on to the surface of the fabrics have been tried too. Although, WP2, has not finished yet, different amounts of fabrics such as flax fabric and treatments can start to be provided to the partners in WP3 to evaluate the quality of the final fabrics and its implementation on the posterior activities. It is also important to remark that besides the activities that have taken place in regard to dissemination and communication now that WP1 activities are finished, the partners together with the communication and dissemination leader are going to boost the activities and reach as much stakeholders and interested people as possible.
Finally, the exploitation of the results is being evaluated among the partners to understand the market impact of a result and therefore if it is possible to exploit it.
At this stage of the project, the techncial partners are still working on the development of the different technologial break throughs that are going to be achieved within the frame of the project. Nevertheless, partners have been working and are still working towards the definition of the expected results of the project.
- 100% Biobased Bonding Materials
- New mainly Biobased Resins
- Thiol biobased solvent
- TPU-lignin biobased CF
- Thermoset Composites with intrinsic recycling properties
- Valorised resins (monomers/oligomers) & valorised fibres
- Fibres suitable for valorisation
- VIBES Sustainable chemical recycling technology for thermoset composites
- Technology for upscaling lignin-TPU biobased carbon fibre
- Composites based on surface-treated biobased fibres
- Contributing to the creation of one new value chain: “Intrinsic Recyclable Thermoset Composites Value Chain” and allowing to give a proper end of life(Avoid downgrading) to the thermoset materials used in construction, aeronautics and naval industries, which currently are being landfilled or incinerating with new biobased sources of material.
- Protocols & manuals
- Training courses
-Promoting the development of high qualification skilled jobs related to the bioeconomy and the related sectors.

In this sense VIBES contributes to the innovation capacity and knowledge in two main pillars:
• Developing new intrinsic recyclable biobased composites (via BBM for thermosets)
• Upscaling a new green recycling technology to separate and recover their components. VIBES KERs will be a clear strengthening in competitiveness for all project partners, by opening new business opportunities to industry and increasing knowledge and services for RTDs.