Description du projet
Des modèles améliorés basés sur des agents de maladies transmises par les moustiques
Les maladies transmises par les moustiques affectent des millions de personnes dans le monde chaque année. Malgré les progrès des modèles informatiques, les modèles basés sur des agents sont encore souvent surpassés dans la prévision des maladies par leurs homologues mathématiques modélisés. Financé par le programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet SpatialStructure tirera parti des processus gaussiens en tant que cadre statistique puissant pour augmenter considérablement la sensibilité des modèles basés sur des agents et évaluer en profondeur différents paramètres des modèles. La recherche proposée pourrait approfondir notre compréhension de la façon dont les structures spatiales affectent la dynamique hôte-pathogène, améliorant ainsi la prévision des maladies et l’évaluation des stratégies d’intervention proposées.
Computational advancements and the development of powerful agent-based simulation frameworks have allowed us to model unprecedented realism in mosquito-transmitted diseases – a threat that millions of people face every year. While this enhanced realism has already provided important insights, agent-based models are still often outperformed in disease forecasting by their idealized mathematical counterparts. This might be caused by a lack in our fundamental understanding of how spatial dynamics need to be appropriately modeled. To date, in depth sensitivity analyses of complex agent-based models that would help to address this issue are hardly conducted, because these complex models are very parameter rich. Thus, the required model recalibration and comparisons are very runtime intensive. I introduce Gaussian processes as a powerful statistical framework that will significantly advance sensitivity analysis for agent-based models and allow us to assess the relative input importance of different model parameters in unprecedented detail. The proposed research could further deepen our understanding of how spatial structure affects host-pathogen dynamics and be a valuable contribution to the field of sensitivity analysis for agent-based models. I expect to find that spatial structure changes disease transmission potential profoundly and can cause spatial-specific model dynamics. I hope that my findings contribute to the improvement of disease forecasting and evaluation of proposed intervention strategies.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinateur
1010 Wien