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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

NAno SCintillator ARrays (NASCAR) as a Novel Nuclear Detection Material


Neue Nanotechnologie könnte Nuklearterrorismus unterbinden

Plutonium, Uran-233 und mit den Isotopen Uran-233 oder Uran-235 angereichertes Uran sind eine spezielle Kategorie der nuklearen Materialien. Obwohl sie nur leicht radioaktiv sind, sorgen diese sogenannten speziellen nuklearen Materialien für Bedenken, da sie spaltbar sind. Sie können also in extrem zerstörerischen Atomsprengkörpern verwendet werden. Aufgrund der geringen Rate spontaner Emission sind sie leicht abzuschirmen und schwer zu entdecken. Mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen entwickelt das Projekt NASCAR nanostrukturierte Geräte mit Hochleistungs-Sensoren, die kostengünstig aus umweltfreundlichen und reichlich vorhandenen Materialien gefertigt werden können. Die Technologie könnte eine wichtige Rolle bei der Unterbindung von Nuklearterrorismus spielen.


Detection of special nuclear materials (SNM), is of vital importance to prevent nuclear terrorism and to secure states’ national security. Neutron detection is a particularly useful tool to identify SNM and neutron-sensitive scintillators have many promising properties, such as ease of use, good time resolution, and high detection efficiency. In this project we develop a new state-of-the art neutron sensitive scintillator using on nanostructured scintillating materials. Based on the early advancements that our research team has made, we propose Li (or B) incorporated nanostructured ZnO devices for highly efficient thermal neutron detection. These devices use a novel nanorod array design that greatly increases the effective surface area and efficiency of the sensor. Cost effective low temperature hydrothermal growth is used to obtain ZnO nanorod arrays. The state-of-the-art design of the nanorod array combines the key advantages of a low cost growth technique together with environmentally friendly and widely available materials.

The Global Fellow (GF) has outstanding experience in Nuclear Science and Technology and has wide expertise in radiation and nuclear physics. The supervisor at the partner organization (Georgia Tech, USA) is a renowned Professor in radiation physics and holds a highly relevant patent. The supervisor at the beneficiary organisation (University of Surrey, UK), has a strong background in the physics of materials for new detectors and has recently developed novel nanocomposite scintillators and organic neutron detectors, both of which are highly relevant to the project. The GF worked on neutron measurements under the supervision of the host at Georgia Tech between 2013-2015, and therefore has the required expertise to deliver this program through effective collaboration with both partner institutions.


€ 289 732,80
Stag Hill
GU2 7XH Guildford
Vereinigtes Königreich

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South East (England) Surrey, East and West Sussex West Surrey
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 289 732,80

Partner (1)