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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Whole-brain neural dynamics of vocal-auditory interactions in the sound-producing, transparent vertebrate Danionella translucida


Wie unser Gehirn unsere eigene Stimme erkennt

Sowohl Menschen als auch bestimmte Tiere haben die einzigartige Fähigkeit, ihre eigene Stimme und sogar leichte Abwandlungen ihrer Stimme zu erkennen. Diese Selbsterkennung ist ein wichtiger Aspekt der sozialen Interaktion und findet irgendwo im Hörsystem statt. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts VocalBrain ist es, den Mechanismus, der dieser Klangunterscheidung zugrunde liegt, durch die Untersuchung der Gehirnaktivität zu beschreiben. Zu diesem Zweck wird das Forschungsteam den durchsichtigen Fisch Danionella translucida verwenden und die mit der stimmlichen Selbstdarstellung korrelierende neuronale Aktivität aufzeichnen. Die Ergebnisse werden dazu beitragen, zu bestimmen, wann die Verarbeitung von selbst erzeugten und fremden Klängen bei Wirbeltieren divergiert.


Many animal species generate acoustic signals for social communication and are faced with the challenge to distinguish external from self-generated sounds. How does the brain accomplish this when all sounds are coming in through the ear? It requires that self- generated and external sounds are separated at some point in the central auditory system. Copies of motor commands indicate to auditory brain areas when self-generated sounds are expected to arrive. This feedforward signaling suppresses neural responses in primary auditory nuclei, as well as the auditory cortex. Neurons that are activated with self- vocalization are also found in the auditory cortex. Yet, how the signal arrives there and where along the auditory processing pathway neural encoding of self-generated and external sounds diverge, is largely unknown. These are challenging questions to address because single-cell activity needs to be recorded simultaneously across several distant brain regions. This is currently only possible with fluorescent imaging techniques, but adult vertebrate brain tissue is too opaque for large-scale optical access. Danionella translucida (DT) is a transparent, miniature fish that vocalizes in social contexts and is therefore uniquely suitable for studying whole-brain activity of auditory processing during self- vocalization. Here I propose to generate an unbiased, whole-brain map of neural activity correlated with vocal self-representation and its cancellation. For this, I will establish stimulations of fictive vocalizations in DT and combine these with auditory playback while performing whole-brain calcium imaging. This data will offer unprecedented insights into vocal-auditory interactions across a vertebrate brain.


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