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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Multiscale Thermal-related Urban Climate Analysis and Simulation Tool

Descrizione del progetto

Un nuovo strumento di analisi e simulazione del clima urbano correlato al calore

Nonostante gli accordi internazionali in materia di lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e al riscaldamento globale, le emissioni di CO2 e il riscaldamento globale continuano la loro scalata. Le aree urbane sono soggette a temperature superiori e a ondate di calore più frequenti, minacciando la salute e il benessere dei cittadini. Il fenomeno dell’isola urbana di calore rende le città più calde delle zone circostanti, condizionando gravemente il clima urbano. Il progetto MultiCAST, finanziato dall’UE, adotterà un sistema di supporto alle decisioni urbane relative al comfort termico per fornire informazioni sulla pianificazione e sulla progettazione climatiche orientate ai pedoni. Questo sistema impiegherà un Web-GIS come strumento di integrazione per inserire l’isola urbana di calore in programmi, politiche e strumenti urbani, incorporando il clima esterno georeferenziato e la pedonabilità nella modellizzazione dei flussi pedonali. Una funzione di simulazione offrirà una stima di scenari, confrontando e visualizzando gli effetti di climi urbani differenti.


Climate change and global warming are widely recognized as primary challenges in the next years. Indeed, despite several international agreements, CO2 and global heating continue growing and, in urban areas, increase of temperatures and frequency of heat waves, threaten health and well-being of citizens. Here, the loss of natural areas, morphological and thermal properties of materials, critically affect urban climate, causing city to be warmer than surrounding areas. This phenomenon, known as Urban Heat Island (UHI), needs to be carefully addressed. To address public health and well-being, soft mobility and public transport are increasingly promoted by Cities. Also, the current sanitary contingency has further urged such policies. But, longer and hotter summers are a deterrent for citizens to living outdoors. MultiCAST will implement a thermal comfort-related urban Decision Support System (DSS) to inform pedestrian oriented climate planning and design. The DSS will rely on a user-friendly Web-GIS as mainstreaming tool to respond the UHI into urban programs, policies and instruments. A novel approach to incorporate geo-referenced outdoor climate and walkability into pedestrian flows modelling will be developed. It will rely on replicable methods for automatic acquiring and mapping precise and updated thermal-related urban climate data, estimate walkability based on Google Street View urban-scapes, then introducing climate and walkability into street network analysis. MultiCAST will support modelling walking routes to interest points such as commuter-rail and -metro stations, or ‘hot’ and ‘cool’ islands. A simulation function will allow estimate scenarios, compare and visualize the effects of different urban climates. Three urban areas will be tested in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and Milan. Open climate datasets will be available through the Web-GIS. Besides, a framework of GIS data, procedures, scripts, and manuals will be provided to allow replicate the methodology.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 251 002,56
20133 Milano

Mostra sulla mappa

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 251 002,56

Partner (1)