CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

COntesting GOvernance by NUmbers: The Mobilizations of Food Delivery Couriers across Europe in Time of the Pandemic


Die Pandemie deckt die Misere Angestellter von Essenslieferdiensten auf

Die Coronavirus-Pandemie verlieh Essenslieferdiensten in ganz Europa Auftrieb – und verdeutlichte die Misere von Menschen in der Gig-Ökonomie während Lockdowns. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt COGONU erforscht nun die Mobilisierung von Essenskurierinnen und -kurieren. Dabei sollen insbesondere die Ursachen, Verläufe und Ergebnisse der Mobilisierung dieser Menschen seit 2016 in verschiedenen europäischen Städten vor und während der COVID-19-Krise untersucht werden. Das Projektteam wird dazu drei Fälle von Mobilisierungen betrachten, die hinsichtlich Handlungsrepertoire, Organisationsformen, Bündnisbildung und Ziel unterschiedlich sind. So sollen die Dynamiken der Auseinandersetzung, die politischen Strategien sowie die politischen Ergebnisse dieser Fälle herausgearbeitet werden. Die Ergebnisse werden dann der Forschung, Partnereinrichtungen und der Politik zur Verfügung gestellt.


In response to the rise of a new labour governance regime in the platform economy, militant forms of worker mobilization have recently emerged across Europe, exhibiting novel forms of organisation and action repertoires. The research action “COntesting GOvernance by NUmbers: The Mobilizations of Food Delivery Couriers across Europe in Time of the Pandemic (COGONU)” investigates the causes, trajectories, and outcomes of mobilizations of these workers since 2016 in different European cities before and during the Covid crisis.

The action has three main research objectives:
1. it maps all episodes of couriers’ mobilizations across Europe since 2016 accounting for similarities and differences in terms of strategies, action repertoire, and mobilization capacity.
2. it conducts an in-depth analysis of three cases of mobilization that have exhibited variation in terms of action repertoire, forms of organizing, alliance building and target, to understand the dynamics of contention, their political strategies, and policy outcomes.
3. it aims to explore the processes of transnational coordination and organization among couriers, union representatives, and activists and their feedback effects on both corporate and EU governance.

The action includes a comprehensive training plan, which enhances my career opportunities across sectors as well as academic departments. The UCD School of Business, the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy and its ERC Research Group “Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance Regime” (host institution), along with the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) (secondment institution), will provide me with excellent interdisciplinary research skills and development opportunities. The action also incorporates an ambitious dissemination and communication plan that promotes knowledge exchange between the researcher and partner organizations as well as the production of valuable knowledge for policy makers and citizens at local, national and EU level.


€ 184 590,72
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 184 590,72