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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

BIM and GIS Integration for Archaeology: a new method for documenting field archaeology


Innovative Methode für Archäologiedatenmanagement

Moderne Technologie weist der archäologischen Forschung neue Wege: Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BiGAr wird Bauwerksdatenmodellierung in ein geografisches Informationssystem einbinden, um die vierdimensionale Beschaffenheit archäologischer Zeugnisse der Vergangenheit und die traditionell über sie verfügbaren Informationen zu dokumentieren. Diese Methodik stellt in der archäologischen Forschung eine Neuerung dar. Sie wird ein höheres Maß an Zusammenarbeit über das Internet gestatten sowie neue Möglichkeiten der räumlichen Analyse und des Kulturlandschaftsmanagements eröffnen. Das Projekt wird mit der neuen digitalen Anwendung die archäologischen Daten verwalten, die bei der Feldforschung in der Umgebung der zwei antiken Hauptstädte Rom (Projekt Gabii) und Ravenna (Ravenna Landscape Archaeological Project) gesammelt wurden.


The BIGAr project aims to innovate archaeological research methodology developing a digital application to integrate representation software (Building Informative Model -BIM- and Geographical Information System -GIS-) to document the 4D nature of archaeological evidence as well as their traditional information (i.e. text or photography). This approach can be quicker and more complete than others currently used; it allows a higher degree of collaboration via Web as well as it provides a new frontier for spatial analysis and management of Cultural Landscape. So far, in archaeology, the use of BIM is only applied to architectural analysis and never integrated with GIS. Thus, I will use innovative geospatial environment, developing a new digital workflow of integration GIS and BIM, for managing archaeological data, collected in field works as excavations and surveys. To achieve this target I will develop a dedicated application based on an original programming script, using open source software. Such a research will be possible merging competences and laboratories of the 3 involved Organizations: the University of Michigan (outgoing phase, supervisor Prof. Nicola Terrenato), the University of Minho (secondment, supervisor Prof. Miguel Azenha), and the University of Bologna (return phase, supervisor Prof. Andrea Augenti). The field data will come from two projects active in the area around two ancient capitals, Rome (Gabii Project, University of Michigan) and Ravenna (Ravenna Landscape Archaeological Project, University of Bologna). As part of the MSCA-IF-2020-GF action at the Universities of Michigan and Minho, two world leading institutions in this field, I will receive the necessary high-quality training, which will allow the continuation of a successful career in the field of archaeology and the development at Bologna University of this technology, that will be transferable to any other archaeological project in EU and beyond.



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