CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

LOng Range ENtanglement between charged levitated particles

Descrizione del progetto

L’entanglement quantistico si materializza nel macromondo

I progressi entusiasmanti ottenuti nel campo dell’optomeccanica quantistica hanno reso più raggiungibile l’obiettivo di applicare le strane proprietà della meccanica quantistica al macromondo. Finanziato dal programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, il progetto LOREN si propone di generare l’entanglement quantistico tra due oscillatori meccanici macroscopici. I ricercatori svilupperanno una piattaforma sperimentale all’avanguardia che dovrebbe permettere loro di studiare il movimento di nanoparticelle levitanti. I risultati del progetto apriranno la strada a esperimenti da tavolo sulla gravità quantistica che potrebbero illuminare gli scienziati sul fatto che la gravità sia il risultato di fluttuazioni quantistiche.


The quantum entanglement (QE) of macroscopic mechanical oscillators is a unique resource to examine fundamental principles of quantum mechanics at the interface with classical physics.The emerging field of quantum optomechanics is meant to be a benchmark to study quantum phenomena on a macroscale. This Project is aimed to generate and study QE between center-of-mass motion of 2 macroscopic mechanical oscillators –optically levitated particles – a cutting-edge experimental platform offering outstanding control over particles motion, potential landscape and reservoirs. Importantly both particles will be charged to generate long range QE via Coulomb interaction.
This study of electromagnetically induced QE is essential to examine consistency of macroscopic systems to basic principles of quantum mechanics. Going in complete parallel to a linear theory of quantum gravity it facilitates our understanding of quantization and vacuum fluctuations of a gravitational field and paves the way for quantum gravitational table-top experiments. The physical system under investigation is a general testbed for experiments at the interface of thermodynamics, information theory & quantum physics, with applications in quantum information technologies, sensing & metrology. This study is timely and highly relevant to the current EU research trends, it goes in line with prioritised research directions of H2020-EU123 programme following 2 out of 5 selected areas: Quantum metrology & sensing and Fundamental quantum science.
This Project will be implemented in the group of Prof Aspelmeyer who are leading experts in quantum optomechanics. My background in light-matter interaction and open quantum systems perfectly fits the host group expertise in quantum control and their state-of-the-art facilities. This Fellowship will greatly improve my leadership skills, strongly diversify my knowledge, establish new academic links and boost my track record that would have a significant impact on my career.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 186 167,04
1010 Wien

Mostra sulla mappa

Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 186 167,04