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Risultati finali
A document summarizing the regulatory and political context in place in the citiesregions involved in the pilot cases with a multilevel approach highlighting which elements of the regulatory framework are coming from regional national and EU legislations and how political and regulatory aspects at EU level are being implemented at local level
Blueprint model for the Sun4All programmePrepare the blueprint model for the Sun4All programme which consists of setting the guidelines for an adaptation of the Solar for All programme into the european context In particular by gathering information on the existing programme in the USA and setting the general conditions to allow it
Local work plans of community workA document that specifies the plan to followup with beneficiaries in each pilot city
Impact Assessment Indicators and guidelines to conduct the evaluationsReport identifying the indicators and methodology that will be used to evaluate the experiences in Barcelona Roma Almada and Coeur du Savoie
Progress Reportinternal report to the Agency detailing the progress and milestones achieved to the date
Local requirements to benefit from Sun4All programmeA document defining criteria of elegibility of the programme in each pilot city
Dissemination and Communication StrategyThe Dissemination and Communication Strategy will outline how to reach inform and involve the key target groups of Sun4All around Europe It will guide the communication and dissemination activities of Sun4All and steer the relevant actions of all project partners
The project visual identity will include the logo of the project a concise project style guide Word and PPT templates and layouts of the project website
Animated video (in English and 4 pilot cities' languages) and infographics (A short video with animated elements and infographics will first explain the Sun4All solution to alleviating energy poverty and second to present the project in an accessible manner The translated videos will be used by the pilot cities when approaching vulnerable stakeholders implementing community work plans and communicating on the local level
F. Cumo, P. Maurelli, E. Pennacchia, F. Rosa
Pubblicato in:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numero 1073, 2022, Pagina/e 012011, ISSN 1755-1307
Siddharth Sareen, Håvard Haarstad, Huiwen Gong, Gerald Aiken, Tomas Moe Skjølsvold, Benjamin Ronald Silvester, Jelena Popovic-Neuber, Mateusz Stopa, Mathias Lindkvist, Micol Pezzotta, Lea Sasse, Shayan Shokrgozar, Bård Torvetjønn Haugland, Oluf Langhelle, Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg
Pubblicato in:
Progress in Environmental Geography, Numero 3, 2024, Pagina/e 289-310, ISSN 2753-9687
SAGE Publications
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