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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Project website

Project website in Italian with a section in English it will have a simple structure and it will be userfriendly it will become the reference point for the valorization and dissemination activities making available continuously updated information and progressive specific deepening The site will be optimized to obtain a good raking with the search engines and will be monitored by statistical analysis of the accesses

Promotional video

Promotional video in Italian

Report on existing policies and actions in Italy and on financial instruments at EU, national and regional level to finance energy efficiency

Report on existing policies and actions in Italy and on financial instruments at EU national and regional level to finance energy efficiency The document will be in Italian and the executive summary will be in English

Report on existing Local/National proposals/solutions and list of open issues

Report on existing LocalNational proposalssolutions and list of open issues Un updated version of this document will be resubmitted on month 13 The document will be in Italian and the executive summary in English

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