Descrizione del progetto
Borse di studio di dottorato per risolvere le sfide per la società
Gli scienziati svolgono un ruolo di cruciale importanza nello sviluppo di soluzioni intese ad affrontare le sfide per la società mediante l’impiego delle tecnologie digitali in svariati settori, quali quelli relativi a energia, sanità, produzione, mobilità e tecnologie radicate nell’oceano. In quest’ottica, il progetto PERSEUS, finanziato dall’UE, formerà ricercatori di punta in varie aree tematiche, quali megadati, intelligenza artificiale, gemelli digitali, Internet delle cose, realtà estesa, sicurezza delle informazioni e cibersicurezza. Il programma è stato istituito attraverso l’Università norvegese di scienza e tecnologia, organizzazione che sta collaborando con 11 partner accademici, 8 paesi europei e 8 partner industriali nell’ambito di settori caratterizzati da un’elevata rilevanza sociale. PERSEUS assegnerà borse di studio a 40 ricercatori dottorandi impegnati nella creazione di conoscenze allo scopo di realizzare un mondo migliore.
The PERSEUS Doctoral Programme aims at fostering the training of highly skilled doctoral researchers in thematic areas of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twins, Internet of Things, Extended Reality and Information and Cyber Security linked to sectors of the national importance to Norway, namely energy, healthcare, manufacturing, mobility and ocean-based technologies. The Programme will award 40 outstanding PhD researchers who would be recruited at NTNU following open, fair and transparent selection procedures applied during two open calls for applications. The incoming 36 months fellowships will be open to all nationalities from all countries in the world in correspondence to MSCA-COFUND mobility rules.
PERSEUS DP will embed a set of digital skills, propose a substantial training in transferable skills, adopt carefully designed interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches and explore opportunities presented by national and international partners to prepare the top-level researchers who contribute to smart, safe and sustainable future. NTNU will offer to the researchers the state-of-the art laboratories, involvement into prestigious long-term and large-scale research and innovation projects funded by H2020 and the Research Council of Norway and will link the PERSEUS DP to numerous international networks and alliances such as EERA, ERCIM, Climate KIC and NordicFiveTech. The career perspectives of PhD candidates will be boosted by short term placements (1-3 months) at carefully selected 11 top-level academic partners from 8 countries in Europe and 8 industry partners located in Norway and further enhanced by participation in international events and in seminars and workshops proposed by the PERSEUS project.
Finally, the PhD candidates will be proposed various support forms like language courses, guided tours and ESRs spouses integration to ensure a well-being and better integration in the Norwegian society of the foreign students and their families. The total project budget is 14.6 million eur.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Coordinatore
7491 Trondheim