CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

COMFUTURO, a public-private collaboration committed to science and the future


Eine neue Generation globaler Forschender

Die Fundación General CSIC ist eine private Gesellschaft ohne Gewinnzweck, die im Rahmen einer gemeinsamen Initiative des spanischen nationalen Forschungsrats (CSIC) und seiner Gründungsstifter ins Leben gerufen wurde. Mit ihrer umfassenden Erfahrung, öffentlich-private Kooperationsprogramme in der Forschung und Innovation zu fördern, widmet sie sich nun jungen, internationalen erfahrenen Forschenden im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts COMFUTURO. Der CSIC wird 15 Forschende anwerben, einstellen und 36 Monate lang in seinen Forschungszentren in ganz Spanien beherbergen. Ihre Forschungsbereiche sollen dabei zur Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung sowie anderen Themen beitragen, die mit strategischen Herausforderungen des fertigenden Sektors zusammenhängen. Das übergeordnete Ziel von COMFUTORO besteht darin, eine neue Generation vielseitiger und facettenreicher Forschender aufzubauen, die in ihren Spezialgebieten die Führung übernehmen können.


ComFuturo is a public-private collaboration initiative managed by Fundación General CSIC (FGCSIC), which has had 4 successful previous calls for young researchers at the national level. Now, FGCSIC wants to expand ComFuturo, attracting international talent, through a comprehensive programme that includes quality training and research secondments. This 60-month programme will offer 15 ComFuturo 36-month fellowships to Experienced Researchers (ER) of any nationality who have obtained their PhD in the last 10 years. The “ComFuturo fellows” will be selected through a single call and an objective and transparent process, which will include an external evaluation by the Spanish State Research Agency. FGCSIC has teamed up with 7 partner organisations (PO). The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) will recruit, hire and host the ER. ComFuturo research areas will include those aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that contribute, from any scientific-technical discipline, to fulfilling the 2030 Agenda; and topics proposed by PO (in consensus with FGCSIC), that help respond to strategic challenges of the productive sector. ComFuturo aspires to generate, via the promotion of highly innovative projects and science of excellence, an impact on the sustainability of the productive fabric, the environment and society. ComFuturo fellows will freely propose their research projects and their host CSIC centres. They will carry out industrial and international secondments and it will be ensured that they all have the same opportunities and can benefit from the interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international nature of the programme. ComFuturo aims to contribute to obtain a generation of researchers who are leaders in their fields of specialization, but at the same time, versatile and multifaceted, for an improvement in their employability prospects and a successful development of their professional careers, whether in the public or private sector.


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