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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A dedicated postdoctoral research and training programme fostering impact development and entrepreneurship


Ausbildung der Vrije Universiteit Brussel in puncto Innovation und Unternehmergeist

Europa möchte im globalen Innovationsrennen eine führende Rolle einnehmen. Die EU strebt eine engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft, Unternehmertum und Zivilgesellschaft an, um Maßnahmen zur Erreichung dieses Ziels zu unterstützen. Da die Zukunft der EU-Innovationsführerschaft auf dem Transfer von Wissen und Technologie basiert, haben postdoktorale Forschende erhebliches Potenzial, wirtschaftliche und soziale Effekte in Gang zu bringen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt IMPACT, das von der Vrije Universiteit Brussel unterstützt wird, richtet ein postdoktorales Forschungs- und Ausbildungsprogramm ein, das zu wirkungsvollen Entwicklungen und Unternehmergeist ermutigt. Das Projekt stattet 20 postdoktorale Forschende mit den notwendigen Kenntnissen und Technologietransferkompetenzen aus, um Führungspositionen in der Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft auszufüllen.


Europe is currently facing several challenges in its R&I landscape. Studies have shown that the European Union is struggling to keep up in the global race for innovation, and that stronger collaborations between academia, business and civil society are needed to counter this trend. Consequently, the future of innovation leadership in the EU goes hand in hand with knowledge and technology transfer.
In addition to this observation, research focusing on the practices of TTOs has identified an underexplored opportunity in knowledge and technology transfer, i.e. the inclusion of postdoctoral researchers in the process. Postdocs can have tremendous potential in triggering economic and social impact, while training in knowledge and technology transfer can significantly expand their career development.

With imπACT, VUB wants to address these challenges on a local scale, by deploying a postdoctoral research and training programme fostering impact development and entrepreneurship. We will deliver 20 postdoctoral researchers equipped with the necessary knowledge and technology transfer skills to take up leadership positions in academia, business and civil society and to deploy intersectoral solutions the European R&I landscape so much needs.

This overall objective will be met through a set of specific objectives focusing on the development and implementation of the imπACT structure, more specifically on:
- The recruitment of postdoctoral fellows
- The impact- and entrepreneurship-driven research
- The dedicated training programme fostering impact development and entrepreneurship
- The dissemination, exploitation and communication activities


€ 1 471 200,00
1050 Bruxelles / Brussel

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